Tuesday 31 October 2017

Upcoming assignments both test weight

Hello 9s,

Today you are submitting Short Story terminology notes pages for a homework mark.

Soon you will have a short story terminology test on the notes we have been studying.
See past blogs for links to review as well as your own notes and the class notes links.
Test date is Nov.14th
We will continue to use and to review these terms before the test. 

Today will receive your major story assignment for this unit on short story/perspective taking. I will give you the handout in class.
Draft and outline due: Nov.6 (Outline to be handed in/draft as homework check)
Final typed due date: Nov. 8 (negotiable to the 14th if I see focus by all during class)

Hang on to all of your notes/the assignment and the rubric for the assignment as you will be resubmitting 2 of the pages I'm giving you.

I look forward to your questions and to your creativity!

Sunday 29 October 2017

Note taking homework

Hello 9s,

Apologies for the delay in this post; I had tech. issues.

For next class please:

  • Complete the single page of notes you received last block. Submit in next class. You can use:
Also, watch here for upcoming assessment dates starting in the week of Nov. 13.

Thanks all.
Ms. S

Thursday 26 October 2017

Elements of a Short Story notes/test and Perspective story

Hello 9s,

We have been working with the old tale of Cinderella to explore elements of the short story and to explore multiple perspectives.

Tomorrow, you will be receiving a notes package on The Elements of the Short Story.  I am also linking here, additional notes that go into more depth: Elements of the Short Story

Please note: 

  • There will be a test  on this material within the next 2-2 1/2 weeks. I'll confirm the date early next week.
  • There will be a Major creative story writing assignment coming up soon (stemming from the work we are doing now) again, I'll confirm the date early next week
    • there will be at least one, probably two, homework/class work assignments leading up to this story to get you ready.
After tomorrow, I should have a better idea of our pacing. I just wanted you to be aware of these two major items coming up so you can plan accordingly.

Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow.

Ms. S

Monday 16 October 2017

Reading Homework/Take our kids to work day info.

Hello 9s,

Today you were informed that your Take Our Kids To Work

  • placement permission forms are due Oct. 25th/17
  • The day at work (with a friend/family member/neighbour) is Nov.1/17 You are expected to be at work and to be ready to reflect upon your time there.
Next, you finished writing a single paragraph using T.A,G and P.E.E.C to note 2 examples of irony in The Big Snit.  Some of you seemed to struggle with this task I think because students need to review the blog to better prepare for in class work.  I place things here to help you. Take a bit of time before each new class to review here please.

We began talking about how we form understandings of people we first meet in life and in literature. 
For homework:
  • please read/review the Characterization hand out/s. 
  • Try to think of examples and fill in the chart you were given. We will go over this.
Take a look at the following link and consider the role that perspective may be playing in the portraits shot of the man. six-photographers-took-the-same-mans-picture-you-need-to-see-what-they-captured/

We will continue with these notions of characterization and perspective next class.
Ms. S

Wednesday 11 October 2017

Review of last class and link to video clip

Hello Dear 9s,
  • Today you received your two paragraph responses back and we went over things to correct for in the future.
  • If you were asked to redo  it will be because you did not follow paragraph format.  These redone assignments are due Thursday Oct. 12.
  • Please note:
·                Use T.A.G (title, author,genre) when writing about literature. Ex. In his play, ‘Romeo and Juliet,’ William Shakespeare depicts. . .(usually in the first couple of sentences)

·                When typing, you state any title in italics. 

·                Write about literature using the Literary Present Tense. Ex. Romeo is a romantic. Shakespeare shows us the passion of youth.

·                Examples of support should be parallel ex. Dogs are loyal, bright and loving. NOT Dogs are loyal, bright and furry.
  • We also reviewed the idea of irony:
irony – the contrast between what appears to be on the surface and what actually is
o verbal irony occurs when someone says one thing and means something else
(Example: “It is easy to stop smoking. I’ve done it many times.”
o situational irony – occurs when the opposite of what the characters or reader expects happens (Example: a deep -sea diver drowning in a bathtub)
o dramatic irony – occurs when an audience or reader knows some crucial piece of information that the characters do not know.

Your Homework is to review the The Big Snit Video (here) and take note of the following:
  1. Examples of irony :What are they and which sort of irony is exemplified?
  2. Perspectives :How many perspectives (Points of view/visual perspectives/angles) can you see?
  3. Take note of what is going on in the background of the film. This is good fun.
We will get together in groups to further work on brainstorming our questions about this film. Then, you will each respond to two questions in written format in class.

Thanks for a terrific class!
Ms. S

Tuesday 3 October 2017

Creative ending for 'The Friday...' DUE October 10th

Hello 9s,
  • Today we took notes that reviewed areas to work on for improving our paragraphing. 
  • We also learned marking symbols so that you might better understand the notations on your work.
  • You received your paragraphs and your mini quizzes back.
  • A few of you have been asked to redo/resubmit your paragraph Due: Tuesday Oct.10/17
    • We met to clarify this and to answer your questions. (You are welcome to see me before school any day to ask any more questions that may arise.) 
    • Remember to hand your new work in together with your first effort so that I might compare them.  
    • Remember also, there are notes in the 'class notes' section of this blog to review.
For homework please everyone complete the following for Tuesday Oct.10/17:

      Continue the story to tell what happens next/later. Write 5-10 sentences minimum and not more than 2 pages typed please. Your writing must make sense and connect to what has already happened in the story. Do not bring in elements from outside the world of the story. Try to sound like the author. What you create must easily 'live' in the world of the story. Here is the story again:  The Friday That Everything Changed by Anne Hart
1. Perspective
2. Speaker's tone/voice
3. Verb tense 
4. Setting (time, place, condition)
5. Characters as we have known them so far. How might they behave?
6. Try to keep the world of the story logically consistent; this time, at least, don't have aliens arrive and take over. This has not been a Science Fiction story so please don't change it into one now.
Beyond this, you are limited only by your creativity! I can hardly wait to read them!
Have a terrific couple of days all.