Tuesday 31 October 2017

Upcoming assignments both test weight

Hello 9s,

Today you are submitting Short Story terminology notes pages for a homework mark.

Soon you will have a short story terminology test on the notes we have been studying.
See past blogs for links to review as well as your own notes and the class notes links.
Test date is Nov.14th
We will continue to use and to review these terms before the test. 

Today will receive your major story assignment for this unit on short story/perspective taking. I will give you the handout in class.
Draft and outline due: Nov.6 (Outline to be handed in/draft as homework check)
Final typed due date: Nov. 8 (negotiable to the 14th if I see focus by all during class)

Hang on to all of your notes/the assignment and the rubric for the assignment as you will be resubmitting 2 of the pages I'm giving you.

I look forward to your questions and to your creativity!

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