Monday 16 October 2017

Reading Homework/Take our kids to work day info.

Hello 9s,

Today you were informed that your Take Our Kids To Work

  • placement permission forms are due Oct. 25th/17
  • The day at work (with a friend/family member/neighbour) is Nov.1/17 You are expected to be at work and to be ready to reflect upon your time there.
Next, you finished writing a single paragraph using T.A,G and P.E.E.C to note 2 examples of irony in The Big Snit.  Some of you seemed to struggle with this task I think because students need to review the blog to better prepare for in class work.  I place things here to help you. Take a bit of time before each new class to review here please.

We began talking about how we form understandings of people we first meet in life and in literature. 
For homework:
  • please read/review the Characterization hand out/s. 
  • Try to think of examples and fill in the chart you were given. We will go over this.
Take a look at the following link and consider the role that perspective may be playing in the portraits shot of the man. six-photographers-took-the-same-mans-picture-you-need-to-see-what-they-captured/

We will continue with these notions of characterization and perspective next class.
Ms. S

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