Wednesday 11 October 2017

Review of last class and link to video clip

Hello Dear 9s,
  • Today you received your two paragraph responses back and we went over things to correct for in the future.
  • If you were asked to redo  it will be because you did not follow paragraph format.  These redone assignments are due Thursday Oct. 12.
  • Please note:
·                Use T.A.G (title, author,genre) when writing about literature. Ex. In his play, ‘Romeo and Juliet,’ William Shakespeare depicts. . .(usually in the first couple of sentences)

·                When typing, you state any title in italics. 

·                Write about literature using the Literary Present Tense. Ex. Romeo is a romantic. Shakespeare shows us the passion of youth.

·                Examples of support should be parallel ex. Dogs are loyal, bright and loving. NOT Dogs are loyal, bright and furry.
  • We also reviewed the idea of irony:
irony – the contrast between what appears to be on the surface and what actually is
o verbal irony occurs when someone says one thing and means something else
(Example: “It is easy to stop smoking. I’ve done it many times.”
o situational irony – occurs when the opposite of what the characters or reader expects happens (Example: a deep -sea diver drowning in a bathtub)
o dramatic irony – occurs when an audience or reader knows some crucial piece of information that the characters do not know.

Your Homework is to review the The Big Snit Video (here) and take note of the following:
  1. Examples of irony :What are they and which sort of irony is exemplified?
  2. Perspectives :How many perspectives (Points of view/visual perspectives/angles) can you see?
  3. Take note of what is going on in the background of the film. This is good fun.
We will get together in groups to further work on brainstorming our questions about this film. Then, you will each respond to two questions in written format in class.

Thanks for a terrific class!
Ms. S

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