Tuesday 3 October 2017

Creative ending for 'The Friday...' DUE October 10th

Hello 9s,
  • Today we took notes that reviewed areas to work on for improving our paragraphing. 
  • We also learned marking symbols so that you might better understand the notations on your work.
  • You received your paragraphs and your mini quizzes back.
  • A few of you have been asked to redo/resubmit your paragraph Due: Tuesday Oct.10/17
    • We met to clarify this and to answer your questions. (You are welcome to see me before school any day to ask any more questions that may arise.) 
    • Remember to hand your new work in together with your first effort so that I might compare them.  
    • Remember also, there are notes in the 'class notes' section of this blog to review.
For homework please everyone complete the following for Tuesday Oct.10/17:

      Continue the story to tell what happens next/later. Write 5-10 sentences minimum and not more than 2 pages typed please. Your writing must make sense and connect to what has already happened in the story. Do not bring in elements from outside the world of the story. Try to sound like the author. What you create must easily 'live' in the world of the story. Here is the story again:  The Friday That Everything Changed by Anne Hart
1. Perspective
2. Speaker's tone/voice
3. Verb tense 
4. Setting (time, place, condition)
5. Characters as we have known them so far. How might they behave?
6. Try to keep the world of the story logically consistent; this time, at least, don't have aliens arrive and take over. This has not been a Science Fiction story so please don't change it into one now.
Beyond this, you are limited only by your creativity! I can hardly wait to read them!
Have a terrific couple of days all.

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