Friday 25 January 2019

"Meet YOUR SHOE! Review of today and the homework. : )

Hi 9s,

Thanks for a fun day today. We played "Meet your shoe" (see below) There were 6 diverse types of shoes (for those of you who were absent, you can do this with shoes at home).

Due before Friday next week Feb.1/19 hand directly to Ms. S:  
  • 2 paragraphs from the handout pictured below. 
  • Choose one of either 1 or 3 and one of either 2,4,or 5. 
  • 3 page double space limit! 1 page might suffice. 
  • Be aware of sentence variety, grammar, spelling and punctuation.
Welcome to. . . Meet your Shoe
The fun game show where you get to know the shoe you CHOOSE!”
Today you will meet 6 shoes; in order to get to know them well, you will answer a series of questions for each.
·      Take out paper and pen
·      Create a section for 3 of shoes A-F
·      Answer the following questions for the 3 shoes that most capture your imagination.
·      Yes, of course you may work in pairs. (Heh heh heh)

1.  List 3 adjectives that describe me!
2.  If I were an animal, what sort of animal would I be?
3.  I have a day off; what will I do for fun?
4.  If I were to make friends with one of the other shoes, which one would it be and why?
5.  Am I built for speed or for comfort?
6.  Describe me to a sightless person (use the other senses)
7.  Create a simile that describes me: “I am like a --------------.
8.   “Hi my name is -----------.”
·      Complete the above questionnaire about every shoe, or at least 3 of them.

·      When you are done, you must settle upon 1 to act as your inspiration, your writer’s muse! Who…will…YOU choose?!

Ms. S

Thursday 17 January 2019

Daily update and homework

Hello 9s,

  • Collected homework (compound/complex sentences)
  • Worked on “Spelling Demons” notes. We are working with words that have ‘ie’ and ‘ei’ . We looked at the rules and practice. Went over: Rules about : ie versus ei and practiced with these rules.
  • Did an oral dictation practice spelling quiz (homework weight)
  • Viewed this video on Run on sentences
 DUE Monday Jan. 21: Lesson # 27 on Run on Sentences. (In your sentences package)

Thanks all,
Ms. S

Tuesday 15 January 2019

Sentence Variety lesson from Jan. 15/19 Notes/links/HOMEWORK

Hello 9s,
Today we reviewed sentence variety. We viewed this video on Sentence types (FANBOYS )in compound and also complex and simple
A sentence, also called an independent clause, is a complete thought including a subject and a verb. Can stand on its own.

A dependant clause, or subordinating clause, is an incomplete thought. It cannot stand on its own because it is missing either a subject or a verb. (It is value/info. Added to an independent clause.) When NOT connected to a full sentence/independent clause it is an ERROR called a sentence FRAGMENT.

Coordinating conjunctions/joining words connect two ideas and define the relationship between those two ideas.Notes on Conjunctions

Another way to connect ideas is through the use of Semicolons. See the comprehensive video we watched here:Semicolons and colons

DUE AT THE START OF CLASS Thursday Jan. 17th:
o Create 3 original Compound sentences using differing FANBOYS.
o Create 3 original Complex sentences.
o Create 1 sentence that correctly uses a ; semicolon as a connector.

Thanks for you attention and effort.
Ms. S

Monday 14 January 2019


Hello 9s,

  • Last block you submitted your 6 word stories. I am working my way through marking them.
  • Next, you completed your final ‘Secret Pen Pal’ letters. The first of 2 reveal parties was held today!
  • Block A, your other secret pen pal party is tomorrow Tuesday Jan.15 in room 2F5. See you at the start of lunch. Bring your lunch with you.
Going forward for the next 5 classes, please bring with you each day the following items:
  • Speak if you have not yet finished reading it. If you have, bring another book to read.
  • Your ‘Lesson 22+ Compound sentence package’
  • Your ‘Spelling Demons’ hand out.
We will be working on reviewing some of the fundamentals of:
  •  sentence structure/syntax
  • punctuation 
  • spelling
The objective here is to improve your ability to clearly, correctly, expressively convey your excellent ideas.

Ms. Loasby will begin her lessons with you on January 28th. 
Also, one day in early February, your counsellor will be coming to discuss course selection for next year. Perhaps, now would be a good time to begin thinking about what you might like to take.

Be well,

Monday 7 January 2019

6 Word stories (3) Due at start of next block

Happy new year!

Please review the post from Dec. 14/18 for more info. Re: 6 word stories.


  • be ready to submit pen and paper versions or
  • Be ready to email your Spark video/PPT/other to me via email during class
    • Subject line should read: 6 word stories, Names first and last, block A or B which ever you are in. 
    • This is key so I can keep your work in order.
If you have not yet submitted your 4 cheque story/postcard story these are now very over due.
See below for 6 word story criteria.
Ms. S
6 Word Story Rubric
  • Is 6 words exactly.
  • Considers formatting/ line breaks/ punctuation/ font/ colour images in ways that enhance the story
  • Engages the reader to interpret one or more of (plot, character, tone, mood, setting or theme)
  • If music is included (optional) it must have no lyrics, is appropriately sourced, and enhance the story
  • Submitted on time and in accordance with the described parameters.