Monday 7 January 2019

6 Word stories (3) Due at start of next block

Happy new year!

Please review the post from Dec. 14/18 for more info. Re: 6 word stories.


  • be ready to submit pen and paper versions or
  • Be ready to email your Spark video/PPT/other to me via email during class
    • Subject line should read: 6 word stories, Names first and last, block A or B which ever you are in. 
    • This is key so I can keep your work in order.
If you have not yet submitted your 4 cheque story/postcard story these are now very over due.
See below for 6 word story criteria.
Ms. S
6 Word Story Rubric
  • Is 6 words exactly.
  • Considers formatting/ line breaks/ punctuation/ font/ colour images in ways that enhance the story
  • Engages the reader to interpret one or more of (plot, character, tone, mood, setting or theme)
  • If music is included (optional) it must have no lyrics, is appropriately sourced, and enhance the story
  • Submitted on time and in accordance with the described parameters.

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