Friday 25 January 2019

"Meet YOUR SHOE! Review of today and the homework. : )

Hi 9s,

Thanks for a fun day today. We played "Meet your shoe" (see below) There were 6 diverse types of shoes (for those of you who were absent, you can do this with shoes at home).

Due before Friday next week Feb.1/19 hand directly to Ms. S:  
  • 2 paragraphs from the handout pictured below. 
  • Choose one of either 1 or 3 and one of either 2,4,or 5. 
  • 3 page double space limit! 1 page might suffice. 
  • Be aware of sentence variety, grammar, spelling and punctuation.
Welcome to. . . Meet your Shoe
The fun game show where you get to know the shoe you CHOOSE!”
Today you will meet 6 shoes; in order to get to know them well, you will answer a series of questions for each.
·      Take out paper and pen
·      Create a section for 3 of shoes A-F
·      Answer the following questions for the 3 shoes that most capture your imagination.
·      Yes, of course you may work in pairs. (Heh heh heh)

1.  List 3 adjectives that describe me!
2.  If I were an animal, what sort of animal would I be?
3.  I have a day off; what will I do for fun?
4.  If I were to make friends with one of the other shoes, which one would it be and why?
5.  Am I built for speed or for comfort?
6.  Describe me to a sightless person (use the other senses)
7.  Create a simile that describes me: “I am like a --------------.
8.   “Hi my name is -----------.”
·      Complete the above questionnaire about every shoe, or at least 3 of them.

·      When you are done, you must settle upon 1 to act as your inspiration, your writer’s muse! Who…will…YOU choose?!

Ms. S

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