Tuesday 15 January 2019

Sentence Variety lesson from Jan. 15/19 Notes/links/HOMEWORK

Hello 9s,
Today we reviewed sentence variety. We viewed this video on Sentence types (FANBOYS )in compound and also complex and simple
A sentence, also called an independent clause, is a complete thought including a subject and a verb. Can stand on its own.

A dependant clause, or subordinating clause, is an incomplete thought. It cannot stand on its own because it is missing either a subject or a verb. (It is value/info. Added to an independent clause.) When NOT connected to a full sentence/independent clause it is an ERROR called a sentence FRAGMENT.

Coordinating conjunctions/joining words connect two ideas and define the relationship between those two ideas.Notes on Conjunctions

Another way to connect ideas is through the use of Semicolons. See the comprehensive video we watched here:Semicolons and colons

DUE AT THE START OF CLASS Thursday Jan. 17th:
o Create 3 original Compound sentences using differing FANBOYS.
o Create 3 original Complex sentences.
o Create 1 sentence that correctly uses a ; semicolon as a connector.

Thanks for you attention and effort.
Ms. S

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