Wednesday 17 October 2018

Quote integration links!

Hello 9s,

I wanted to commend you on how well you worked in your groups last day.

Everyone received back their literary response paragraphs.

  • Some teams were doing review and then will alter/edit their work Due next class: Oct 18. Please attach your first attempt to your second.
  • Some teams were editing their first attempt. Due next class: Oct. 18. Please attach your first attempt to your second or submit the original with edits done in a different coloured ink . I know many of you have already resubmitted. Thanks.
  • Some were working on FOUR STYLES OF EMBEDDING QUOTES This is not currently homework, but we will ALL WORK ON THIS going forward. 
  • Everyone, please review the above link as it relates to the handout you received.

Thursday Oct. 18, A block should come for attendance and work re-submission (if that pertains to you) and then we will attend the Sustainability  event. B block, arrive at class asap after the event. There is an earthquake drill at 10:18.

Loving the autumn light and working with you folks,
Ms. S

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