Thursday 25 October 2018

Elements of the Short Story Notes/review/and assessment dates

Hello 9s,

  • Today we reviewed elements of the short story. 
  • You have your own notes package as well as those notes you took in class but here is an additional link: Elements of the Short Story package.

  • Here is a cleaner copy of the Plot Diagram we were reviewing:

  • For review, you received a blank notes page where you can test your own recall and understanding of these concepts/terms. This is not for marks.

Quiz on elements of the short story: November 2
Test on elements of the short story: November 16th.

This gives you a bit of a head start on extra review and seeking clarification on those aspects that may still be puzzling to you.

  • You are working on an oral story telling activity employing the elements of the short story. Consider plot, perspective and setting as you ready yourselves to tell your tale. Your tale must include the following: A cat, a concertina, a game of scrabble and an argument.
  • We will spend some time again on Monday prepping and then you’ll share them.
  • We will also be looking at the literary device of irony next day. 
  • Wednesday is Halloween, please plan your costumes; there may be treats for those who arrive in costume (special appreciation for self-created costumes). 
  • We will view a cartoon that invites you to take note of irony and of the elements of a short story. Oh, and, it is fun too!
Have a happy weekend. Study a little and play a little. : ) 
Ms. S

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