Wednesday 10 October 2018

Oct. 10 review and Due dates: Oct. 12 and Oct. 16

Hello 9s,


  •  you submitted your two homework observations.
  • I posted a list of names of those of you with missing/late assignments. You have been given until Friday Oct. 12 at lunch to submit all late work. 
  • We did some review of terminology (see your short story terminology handouts). There will be a vocabulary/concept test on these later in October or early November. We will continue to work with these ideas and I will give you at least a week's notice prior to the test. At that point I'll let you know more about the format of the assessment.
  • We read Charles Charles by Shirley Jackson aloud together and took note of the role that perspective and Point of view played in the story. 
    • Using either Charles or The Friday That Everything Changed by Anne Hart, Complete the following Due October 16th:
      • rewrite a portion of one of the stories telling it from an alternate point of view/perspective.
      • The aim is to see how shifting who tells the tale influences the story.
      • Do not alter plot.
      • Keep the characters/setting logically consistent.
      • You may alter the formatting (ex. instead of dialogue, you might make it, or add an internal monologue told from within the mind of a character we have not heard the thoughts of yet.)
      • This ought to be a minimum of 1/2 page typed. Please do not go over 3 pages. More is not always better. 
I very much look forward to reading your creative work.

Ms. S

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