Friday 5 October 2018

2 things for Oct. 10, overview of today

Hello 9s,

As it is Thanksgiving and Mid-Autumn festival time, it is a time for gratitude and for being together with family and friends. As such, the homework this weekend is very very minimal.

In light of the reading we have been doing and the discussions we have been having about taking perspective and points of view, please do the following:

DUE OCT. 10:

  • Bring 1 example from real life that shows how people’s relationships among the genders are improving.  (Personal, public, artistic, political, musical, news) 
  • Bring 1 example from real life that shows that there is still room to improve relations among genders. (Come ready to share verbally about your thoughts)
Gender includes: 
Physical; mental and emotional; presentation of self or expression
We all exist along a spectrum of femininity and masculinity and we access these aspects in ourselves as we need them. 

  • We reviewed correction notes based on your character grids and practiced taking notes from spoken instruction. 
  • We broke into character groups and adopted the role of one of the characters in our story. We explored what our motivations were (wishes and fears). Then, we were interviewed and we told how WE experienced what was going on in The Friday That Everything changed. In so doing, you were taking perspective. You imagined what it might be like to be in this unique situation. In addition to empathizing, you were reading closely to find evidence in the text to support your views. Well done all!
  • You submitted your literary response paragraphs.
Have a safe, happy, and restorative long weekend.
Ms. S


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