Monday 29 October 2018

Irony Homework Due next day. Mini-lesson here. What’s coming up.

Hello Dear 9s,

Today you did a terrific job of reviewing elements of a story and then using these elements to create your own stories which you told to your peers. Well done.

You received your perspective stories back.

What is coming up:

  • Wednesday’s class is Halloween day. Prizes for those who come in costume. Extra points for creating the costume yourselves. (Silly hats or funny t-shirts, goofy Pajamas can count.)
  • Friday is binder/agenda check. This is your chance to redouble your organizational efforts. There are many systems of organization; have one.
  • Nov. 2 - Story elements quiz (shorter/matching)
  • Nov. 16- Story elements test (inclusive of irony and more reading and writing)

Due Wednesday Oct. 31: Irony worksheet (see supporting notes/videos below)
 Types of Irony

1. Verbal Irony: This is the most common kind of irony. It is a statement that means something totally different from its literal meaning. (Sarcasm, an extreme, bitter form of verbal irony, is familiar to most teens.) When using verbal irony, a speaker assumes his audience knows the real situation and will not take his words literally. Verbal Irony 3 min. Cartoon lesson

2. Dramatic Irony: In this type of irony, the reader or listener knows the true situation but the characters do not. The best example of dramatic irony is the classic Greek tragedy Oedipus Rex. A young man searches for the king’s murderer, only to learn that he has killed the king himself. Dramatic Irony vid. (Short)

3. Situational Irony: Situational irony plays with the expectations of the audience but in a differ- ent way. The author sets up a special kind of unfair situation. In The Rime of the Ancient Mari- ner by Samuel Coleridge, a becalmed sailing ship is surrounded by water, but the mariner’s companions all die of thirst. Situational Irony ( I like this one BEST!)

I look forward to receiving your homework and viewing your costumes!
Ms. S

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