Wednesday 31 October 2018

Updates/due dates and links

Hello 9s,

I commend you all on your engagement today. You were able to mix the festive with focus, well done!
  • You handed in your irony sheets.
  • We verbally reviewed the 3 forms and how they may affect the reader/viewer.
  • You received a work/study sheet on elements of the short story which you are to complete according to your observations of the story/text/cartoon we watched today. Here is the link to Richard Condie’s  ‘The Big Snit’
What’s due:
  • Nov. 2 (Friday): The worksheet referenced above.
  • Nov. 2 Friday is binder/agenda check. This is your chance to redouble your organizational efforts. There are many systems of organization; have one.
  • Nov. 2 - Story elements quiz (shorter/matching)
  • Nov. 16- Story elements test (inclusive of irony and more reading and writing)
Please have a very SAFE and happy Halloween.

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