Wednesday 3 October 2018

Homework and links/notes for review

Hi 9s,


1. Where is the story set? How can we know? Give 3 pieces of evidence from the text.

2. From which point of view is the story told? How do we know? Give evidence.


  • Your teams reported out your findings on our group story questions. You expressed your ideas and then provided textual references to support your thoughts. Then, you clarified for us how we ought to understand these references as support for your views.
  • This IS literary paragraph format.
Now, we are working on structuring Literary Paragraphs correctly. Please review the following rules that govern proper formatting:
  • T.A.G: Title, author, genre.  In order to orient your reader to what you are saying, give this information prior to providing your point/topic sentence/question response. 
  • In class, you took photos of slides that provided signal phrases to create smooth transitions from TAG or idea to quote.
  • A literary response paragraph continues to follow the PEE C paragraph structure: (point, evidence, example, conclusion) but what is new is that your support/example MUST be evidence ONLY from the text. (Reference or quote) We are practicing quotes today.
  • Use literary present /present continuous tense when writing about literature. (We discussed and will keep working on this)
  • Write using the 3RD PERSON! Do not use 
Here is the link to the video on quote integration that we watched today: 3 rules for quote integration and examples

Here again, is the link to the story:The Friday That Everything Changed

Good luck with your efforts. Try tonight and see me tomorrow am if you need help.

Ms. S

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