Tuesday 2 October 2018

Review of class Oct. 1

Hello 9s,


  • You submitted your charts for ‘The Friday Everything Changed’ (hm wk)
  • We went over marking symbols  and you received a handout to help with that.
  • You took notes on key ideas for improvement on paragraphs. We will continue to work on other areas upon which you may wish to focus for improvement going forward.
  • In teams, you next began to review a series of questions about the story The Friday Everything Changed. You were finding textual evidence for your responses to these questions.
  • You received your marked paragraphs back. Spend some time reviewing your corrections. You are free to come chat with me about them any morning before 8:30. 
Next class, 
  • we will regroup, review, and then share out our responses to these questions.
  • we will learn/review how to embed/use quotes and references in our paragraphs. This work is to enable us to write literary responses. 
Nice work everyone.

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