Wednesday 16 May 2018

Search/citation help for our Science research projects

Hello All,

Last day, we reviewed reliable versus less reliable sources. Please see handout.
We discussed the possible merits of working on a joint Science/English project. The idea is to support your language and literacy work by using the content and aims of your Science project. English will have its own due dates and outcomes. Watch the blog for updates and help.

Today we began working on the following:

  • You signed up your team members and your topic (regardless of which English class they are in)

  • You began to research your topic and you saved your searches  so that later you can cite your research using APA. Remember! All ideas, images and words that are borrowed must be cited.

  • You started or continued (from your other team mates) a Google doc.  that you share with all team mates.

It is important, early on in your  research, to survey a variety of sources. From here, you will begin to narrow and to refine the ideas and areas of focus upon which your project will be based.

Below, is information needed to aid you in your searching and sourcing.

When doing research go to:
  1. · (note there is no www.)
  2. ·     Then choose our school
  3. ·      Next enter your Name and Password that you use for school
  4. ·      Ms. Love recommends using ‘Gale’ or ‘Global Issues’ sources you’ll see here.
  5. ·      Then search your key word

If you use information or quote from here, add it to your works cited word document.
  • ·      Do so by clicking on ‘citation tools’ and it should fill in the information you need and it will provide you with a citation
  • ·       Cut and paste it into your word document.

  • Sometimes when you put it into a word doc. It can come out formatted oddly see Ms. Love for help. She is in the library every day at 7:45.

  • There are 3 websites that help you format/show you how to cite web pages/books/interviews/pictures etc. 

Ms. Love demonstrated, Easybib

How to use Easybib for MLA : Video review of how to
How to use Easybib for APA:

Why we cite: watch

Remember to:
  • ·      Check that your info. is all in there; if it isn’t, add what you know.
  • ·      When you copy your citation into your word doc you have to get rid of the grey while the clip board is there. You can’t do it later.  Choose Keep text only
  • ·      Then go back in and add italics that may have vanished in this process. Italics are NOT OPTIONAL
  • ·      Double space
  • ·      Then fix your hanging indent and link 5 spaces – tab (BOTTOM LINE IS 5 SPACES/1 TAB INDENTED)

Primary source (ex. Dr. Suzuki):
  1. ·      Put it into ‘interview’
  2. ·      You entitle it
  3. ·      Your own name as interviewer
  4. ·      Grandma as interviewee
  5. ·      Was it in person/phone/Skype
  6. ·      Year

While using Easybib etc. for images:
  1. ·      It matters whether it is an actual photo in an archive then go to 59 options and find photograph
  2. ·      Then enter the info. by hand and it will format you
  3. ·      Go to digital photograph on easy bib and enter

·      Your duty is only to put in the info. you can find

·      If you are using Creative commons or google image or your own images you technically don’t have to cite, but for Ms.S you must cite at least 1. image (see links below)


Where you can find ‘open source’ free images:  Creative Commons

Typically, you won’t have to cite/source anything found here or when using your own photos.

 However, in order to show me that you know how, you must cite at least 1 image if you are using all open source.


Feel free to email with any questions not covered in blog posts.


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