Wednesday 23 May 2018

Homework, review and suggestions re: Sustainability projects

Hello 9s,

We are continuing to work on your sustainability projects. 

  • Last class we discussed the reasons for needing to develop a research question rather than remaining in the realm of topic.  Then we watched the following video as advice and support for this need.Creating a research question!
  • Your homework due at the start of  class May 24th is to bring a printed article on your topic. We will use these to hone valuable skills in preparation for you writing up your research findings.
  • Ensure that you have begun and a shared Google doc.  with all team mates.
  •  Be sure you are saving your searches  so that later you can cite your research using APA. Remember! All ideas, images and words that are borrowed must be cited.
Why we cite: watch

    It is important, early on in your  research, to survey a variety of sources. From here, you will begin to narrow and to refine the ideas and areas of focus upon which your project will be based.

    Below, is information needed to aid you in your searching and sourcing.

    When doing research go to:
    1. · (note there is no www.)
    2. ·     Then choose our school
    3. ·      Next enter your Name and Password that you use for school
    4. ·      Ms. Love recommends using ‘Gale’ or ‘Global Issues’ sources you’ll see here.
    5. ·      Then search your key word

    If you want to try formatting citations APA style use: bibme
    We will have a lesson in class as well as a day for working on your citations. 

    Stay tuned for a list of upcoming assignments/due dates and rubrics.

    Thanks everyone, terrific work so far!


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