Monday 7 May 2018

"What is poetry and how do I write it?"

Hello 9s,

Please note, that the May 8th due date is being changed to, May 14.

I hope you took advantage of this last weekend to begin working on your creative writing assignments.

Please review the previous blog for due dates and advice re: editing longer texts. We will work on the matter of how to edit tomorrow.

I am posting a series of links to help those of us considering our  poems.

First, here is a video Ted talk that asks "What makes a poem a poem?"

Next, here is a link that has 12 ways to write a poem/prompts for topics/inspiration

Finally, here is a link that invites us into some of the technical elements at work when writing poetry. It is houses additional links that you may wish to follow.

Students are encouraged to explore their own creativity, but some of us may find it more natural to do this within the constraints of a defined poetic structure. If that sounds like you, rest assured there will be handouts in class outlining some forms/contraints that you may use if you like.

Looking very much forward to reading all your creative work!


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