Friday 25 May 2018


Hello All,

Last day, you were required to do a paraphrase (see links below) of an article you were supposed to have brought a printed copy of. 

Indeed, the printed copy was the homework for last class not a link/not an email).  As such, those of you who have submitted a paraphrase without the printed article will need to print and bring the article on Monday May28th. Those who prepared a paraphrase assignment with the article attached will get their work back Monday. Those who did not will see a one day deduction on the final mark for this assignment.

Next class, we will review and work on creating options for  our research question. There will be an in class assignment at homework weight.

Ms. S

Paraphrasing:How to video
Example 3 ways and samples to try.
 Step by step:Try this!

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