Tuesday 29 May 2018

Timeline of classes/assessments through to the end of June

Grade 9 timeline to end of term

Monday May 28th:
o   Review notes on paraphrase (homework weight mark)
o   Return marked/collect printed with original article from those who have not submitted -5% late.
o   Rubrics from Science (what you're aiming for)
o   Developing a research question video review/hand outs
o   Do question sheet for HMWK check due today.

Wednesday May 30th:
o   How to effective present your ideas visually.
o   Videos/notes/discussion
o   Homework due next block please bring your links/resources for citations (what you have so far).  Also, please bring a laptop or tablet if you can. We will be reviewing and practicing with creating APA citations for your projects.
o    Citations due for quiz weight June 11 at the start of English class.

Friday June 1:
o   APA tutorial/demo/practice
o   Work time
o   Homework bring any visuals/text you’d like peer/mentor feedback on June 5/7
o   Citations due June 11
o   PE trip next G block will be a work period for everyone not on the trip (no lesson)

Tuesday Jun 5:
o   PE trip
o   Work period/active voice
o   Bring draft work for peer/mentor feedback Thursday June 7

Thursday June 7:
o   Feedback on your visuals/text
o   Ask questions/seek help
o   Work period
o   Citations due next class June 11 (quiz weight) Printed and ready at START of class

June 11:
o   Citations now due
o   Epic story time!
o   TBA

June 13:
o   TBA

June 15:
o   Core Competencies/Communicating Student Learning (CSL)
o   Review of concepts and practice/drafting (We may begin on the 13th)
o   Homework is to finish your draft and bring it back to make a final copy next class on the sheet provided.

June 19:
o   CSL final drafts due today in class

June 21:
o   TBA

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