Friday 29 September 2017

Recap and homework

Hello 9s,

In class today you had a homework check on your character grid and an in-class mini-quiz on Nouns (proper and possessive).

We discussed factors that influence perspective and you spoke of ideas like:
Time, region, location, experience, angle, mood, information, 'how we look at it', how we are feeling, what the circumstances are, age, background and many other factors.

You noted how, when looking at (M.C. Escher's stairs, we felt ill-at- ease initially. We had a difficult time making sense of it. With time and closer looking (including changing our orientation to the image), it began to become more approachable. Nice work everyone!

Due Tuesday October 3/17:

  • Finish the two questions on the back of your 'The Friday Everything Changed' sheet. Use P.E.E  format (see notes in notes tab to review) This will be marked at quiz weight.
  • Please edit the word 'effect' (noun) to read 'affect' (verb) and note: proof reading is key! : P
  • Write the definitions for the terms on your'Point of view' handout, you will find these on the Class notes tab on the blog. This will be a homework check.
Have a terrific weekend everyone!

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