Wednesday 27 September 2017

Home work and a review of class today

Hello 9s,

Today you worked with art images and noted what you saw there.
You noted that some things seemed apparent initially and others could be understood/seen with help/practice/discussion/looking again and again.

When asked what influenced what you saw and how you interpreted what you saw you told us:

  • your past experiences informed you.
  • your position in the room influenced you.
  • your vocabulary effected you.
We next reviewed the English Grammar hand out  regarding how to properly write/punctuate proper nouns and possessive nouns.

Finally, you received a worksheet on the story 'The Friday Everything Changed'. You read aloud and we discussed the story's beginning regarding the setting and the characters. Your powers of deduction are being honed!

For homework due next class Sept. 29th:
  1. Finish reading The Friday Everything Changed by Anne Hart
  2. Fill out the chart (rough draft) noting:
    • who is/are the character/s? (Character/s)
    • What do they want?(Their interest/perspective)
    • What influences how they see things (What effects their view?)
    • What can they do? (What might be their position?)
There will be a homework check on this work at the start of class Friday.

Thank you for your energy and participation today!
Ms. S

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