Friday 22 September 2017

Paragraphing Homework Due Next class

Hello 9s,

It was lovely to meet many of your parents last night. I was able to tell them a little of what we have been doing and how well I am enjoying working with you all. I'd like to commend you on your focus and diligence last block; well done.

Yesterday we:
  • Looked over your homework/topic sentences and made modifications/additions where needed
  • Reviewed paragraph format and began planning/outlining the paragraphs you are going to hand in next block.
  • You asked lots of excellent questions and offered ideas that showed me you are engaged in your learning. Thanks.
For Homework Due Monday Sept. 25th:
  • Type up a final draft of your paragraph. 
  • Check for spelling, punctuation and grammar, of course.
  • I will mark most heavily on FORM however, since that is the aim of this lesson. 
  • Please see your template and the notes attached below to review form. This is your rubric/map.
  • Remember the topic is Digital Citizenship and you may choose to reference the article we read(linked on previous post) OR you may provide your own examples on this same topic. Again, we are focussing on form.
  • While paragraph structure is similar to essay structure, be careful not to create multiple paragraphs.
I look forward to reading your work.
Ms. S

PointTopic sentence/thesis: What you will show or prove (please embed class questions in your topic sentence)

Example: example of your above assertion (when writing about literature this will be drawn from the text as a quote or reference). Otherwise, it may be an example from life or a statistic/research finding. 

Explanation: Expand/analyze for your reader, the relationship between your example and the original assertion/idea. How should we think about your example?

Conclusion: Summarize/emphasis the truth in your topic sentence. This part answers “So what?”
Paragraphing Rubric                           NAME:

Topic Sentence (Subject/Verb), 2 or 3 Supporting points in the Topic sentence.     /6
Supporting point 1 elaboration:
            Explanation                                                                                                     /4
Supporting point 2 elaboration:
            Explanation                                                                                                     /4
Concluding Sentence (restate main idea/so what?)                                                 /4

Mechanics (grammar, spelling, punctuation)                                                                        /6
                                                                                                            Total:               /24
                                                                                                            %                     /100   

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