Wednesday 20 September 2017

A small bit of homework/review

Hello 9s,

Last class we reviewed your calendar assignments and considered multiple ways in which to be prepared for the complexities of your schedules and working styles. We will continue to check in with how your methods are working for each of you.

We looked at : Digital Citizenship & How to write a basic paragraph (see below)

Due next class, Sept. 21/17 is your topic sentence for the paragraph summary of the article we read,  'Be a Good Digital Citizen'.
This topic sentence ought to include:

  • a full sentence (subject and verb ...) that declares what your paragraph's message will be.
  • 2 or 3 supporting points to indicate the intention of the upcoming paragraph. These may (or may not) be drawn from the examples provided in the article, 'Be a Good Digital Citizen'.
  • ex. My dog is the best dog ever; he is smart, loving and he even does chores!  Here we see a declaration that I will prove in my paragraph; "my dog is the best." The way I intend to prove it is to show you how 1. smart 2. loving and 3. chore-doing he is. 
I will give you credit for your best attempt at this homework, provide feedback and then you will write the rest of the paragraph Sept. 21. in class.

Outline for Basic Paragraph
NOTE: This outline serves only as a guide.  You may wish to include more or fewer than three supporting details.

Topic Sentence: _________________________________________________________
Supporting Detail: ________________________________________________
Facts, details, examples, and explanations:
Supporting Detail: ________________________________________________
Facts, details, examples, and explanations:
Supporting Detail: ________________________________________________
Facts, details, examples, and explanations:

Concluding Sentence: ____________________________________________________

What is Digital Citizenship?
Be a Good Digital Citizen: Tips

Thank you for continuing to explore how we can respectfully work together in class.
Ms. S

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