Friday 15 September 2017

Review of the week

Hello 9s,

Thanks for your energy and enthusiasm this week; I have enjoyed myself.

We have worked on elements of being organized including:

  • page layout (see hand out)
  • binder organization (see hand out)
  • how best to use a calendar for short and long term planning. (you have submitted your efforts and can expect them back next block)
You each wrote a piece to introduce your written style, skill, and needs. Thank you!

At the end of last day, we did a walk and learn please review the notes you took and consider:
  • the facts you learned from your peer.
  • what seemed to be important to your peer? How could you tell, or if you could not, why not? What else might he/she/they have done/shared to clarify what is important to them?
Be prepared to revisit this content when we meet again on Tuesday Sept. 19th.

Enjoy the sunshine . 
Ms. S 

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