Monday 15 April 2019

Thriving & the Grade 9 Experience Day!

Hello 9s,

April 15/19
English 9 Interview questions assignment
in preparation for the grade 9 experience day and follow up assignment

“This day is conference-style; Grade 9 students will experience a variety of workshops that will focus on the personal and social competency of the curriculum, develop their understanding of our school code of conduct and our school goal of “learning to thrive”. 

During the Experience day on April 17th, you will meet, listen to and ask questions of, a series of people with an eye toward understanding more about their professions, their life paths, and what has helped them to thrive.  Being prepared with excellent questions is a great way to ensure you get the most out of that day and indeed, out of any interview you might have in the future.

·      We will explore what sorts of questions one might ask in order to create the worksheet you will fill in throughout your Experience Day so that you may complete the reflection exercise that you will be doing in English following the experience day.
·      Because your overarching aim of the day is to explore with attention to what makes people thrive, it is important to have a clear idea of what it means ‘To Thrive.” 
. We discussed what we think it means to thrive. Consider how you might expand or alter that idea as a result of your experiences on the Experience day.

·     We brain stormed some questions you might ask in  order to optimize the experience day. 
. We noted that asking good questions (open ended questions) will augment the responses. In order to help with this we reviewed the following links:

For Homework: create a list of 5 questions you’d like to ask during the Experience day
§   write the answers and bring back to class for use in our reflection assignment.
§  You may fill in the question sheet (provided) based on a single interview or base it on several of your ‘living book’ interviews.
§  Please also feel free to add additional questions as you deem fit.
§  I will type up place our questions on the class blog.
§   It is your job to gather this information and arrive at class on April 23rd with your answers in writing. This is a homework mark.

·      Finally, on matters of courtesy:
o   Please note that it is not polite to directly ask people what they earn. You can ask instead, things like, “Is it easy to make a living doing your job? Are you able to afford to save, holiday, buy a home? If you are wondering about finances. There are statistics pages that will tell you what the wage range is for various jobs it is not necessary ask this.
o   Stay off your phone and be engaged, focused, and polite. No side talking please.
o   Do ask questions, do write down your observations, do speak English and do say thank you when  you leave. : )

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