Wednesday 5 December 2018

Work submitted and Postcard Story plans/deadline

Hello 9s,

This week:

  • You submitted your 4 cheque stories. (If you have not, they are now late; please submit asap.)
  •  You also submitted your close reading notes for the 2 Postcard stories that were posted on the blog. (If you have not submitted these, time is up and the stories/assignment have now been taken down.)
  • You have begun brain storming and writing your own postcard stories. 
  • This story is based upon 1 of the images provided to you in class. (You were invited to take a pic of it for your own use).
  • Next block we will continue to work on these assignments. I will hand out the full criteria and rubric at that time.
  • Please note: Postcard stories are due (printed including image) Monday Dec. 10/18
I look forward to working with you on these. 
Ms. S

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