Thursday 6 December 2018

Postcard Story assignment update

Postcard Story assignment
English 9 Silvers

Due Monday Dec. 10/18
Typed, printed with image attached
Min ½ page max 1 ½ pages

Be inspired by the micro fiction you have read (Postcard stories and Ordeal by Cheque)
Give us enough detail that we have a sense of your ‘Story’. Focus on some combo.of:
o Setting
o Theme/message/tone/mood
o Characterization
o Plot
Note: you won’t have all of these because there isn’t the space.
Give enough to invite our participation/co-creation

All criteria will be assessed as one of:
Emerging, developing, proficient or extending
Adheres to above criteria
Strength of your chosen elements (vivid, engaging, sufficient)
Room for audience involvement
Grammar, spelling, punctuation, timely and tidy submission
We will have a gallery walk type sharing of your stories on Dec. 10th.
I look forward to reading them!
Ms. S

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