Friday 14 December 2018

6 Word Stories and Secret pen pals! UPDATE ON DEC.20

Ms. S
Hello 9s,

This is a quick recap of what we have been working on over the past two classes.

In keeping with our work on ‘micro fiction’ and close reading/writing, we have begun looking at 6 word stories.

We read the following:

* You have done a terrific job of noting when a story focuses more on charater, or plot, or mood, or theme or setting. You have supported your views with evidence.
* You have noted which genre each story seems to be and have been able to tell us why you think so.
* You have noted how this type of work is open to multiple interpretations while it is NOT open to ALL interpretations.
* Like the other types of stories in this sub-genre of micro fiction , you note that the author invites the reader to share in creation/interpretation of the tale.

Now, you are writing of your own 6 word stories. Due Wednesday January 9th.

  • Each story is to be accompanied by either an image or a colour/texture to augment the intent of the tale. No text other than the story may be included.
  • If you set it to music, the music must have no lyrics.
  • If you choose to do it using the tool we have been working with here is the link to the online version (or you can use the free app): Feel free, however, to use PowerPoint or your own 2D artistic skills if you prefer. 
  • Please be careful to only use open source/free images and music you own. If you are using your own photos, please do not include images of others without their permission.
  • Remember that every word counts; tone, mood, connotation, grammar, punctuation, even font style ought to be considered.
I am very much looking forward to these!

Finally, thank you for taking part in our secret pen pal activity. I think we will be carrying this into the new year. Stay tuned!

Have a happy restful weekend everyone.
Ms. S

Thursday 6 December 2018

Postcard Story assignment update

Postcard Story assignment
English 9 Silvers

Due Monday Dec. 10/18
Typed, printed with image attached
Min ½ page max 1 ½ pages

Be inspired by the micro fiction you have read (Postcard stories and Ordeal by Cheque)
Give us enough detail that we have a sense of your ‘Story’. Focus on some combo.of:
o Setting
o Theme/message/tone/mood
o Characterization
o Plot
Note: you won’t have all of these because there isn’t the space.
Give enough to invite our participation/co-creation

All criteria will be assessed as one of:
Emerging, developing, proficient or extending
Adheres to above criteria
Strength of your chosen elements (vivid, engaging, sufficient)
Room for audience involvement
Grammar, spelling, punctuation, timely and tidy submission
We will have a gallery walk type sharing of your stories on Dec. 10th.
I look forward to reading them!
Ms. S

Wednesday 5 December 2018

Work submitted and Postcard Story plans/deadline

Hello 9s,

This week:

  • You submitted your 4 cheque stories. (If you have not, they are now late; please submit asap.)
  •  You also submitted your close reading notes for the 2 Postcard stories that were posted on the blog. (If you have not submitted these, time is up and the stories/assignment have now been taken down.)
  • You have begun brain storming and writing your own postcard stories. 
  • This story is based upon 1 of the images provided to you in class. (You were invited to take a pic of it for your own use).
  • Next block we will continue to work on these assignments. I will hand out the full criteria and rubric at that time.
  • Please note: Postcard stories are due (printed including image) Monday Dec. 10/18
I look forward to working with you on these. 
Ms. S