Friday 28 September 2018

Perspectives and Influences. Class review/links and homework

I accidentally posted this on the wrong blog yesterday afternoon. Sorry for any inconvenience caused by the delay. 
Hello 9s,

Today you worked with art images and noted what you saw there.
You noted that some things seemed apparent initially and others could be understood/seen with help/practice/discussion/looking again and again.

When asked what influenced what you saw and how you interpreted what you saw you told us:
  • your past experiences informed you.
  • your position in the room influenced you.
  • your vocabulary effected you.
  • Your culture, philosophy, spirituality, gender identity/ies, education inform our view/s.

Finally, you received a worksheet on the story 'The Friday Everything Changed'. We read aloud and we discussed the story's beginning regarding the setting and the characters

For homework due next class Oct. 1/18:
  1. Finish reading The Friday Everything Changed by Anne Hart
  2. Fill out the chart (rough draft) (homework check) noting:
    • who is/are the character/s? (Character/s)
    • What do they want?(Their interest/perspective)
    • What influences how they see things (What effects their view?)
    • What can they do? (What might be their position?)

  3. Please review page 3 of your notes package on ‘point of view.’

We will continue looking at this story and at notions around how our perspectives and how others’ perspectives are formed and communicated. What are/can be the effects of such perspectives/perceptions?

I am very much enjoying working with, and getting to know you all.

Ms. S

Wednesday 19 September 2018

Paragraphing practice/review

Hello English 9,

Due today: your topic sentence for the paragraph you are creating on the topic of digital citizenship.
 In preparation we looked at this video: Please recall that the abbreviations used are for informal situations, but not for most class work.
Your topic sentence ought to include:
a full sentence (subject and verb ...) that declares what your paragraph's message will be
2 or 3 supporting points to indicate the intention of the upcoming paragraph
These may (or may not) be drawn from the examples provided in the article, 'Be a Good Digital Citizen'.This is the link we looked at. Scroll down for the text.
Topic sentence example:
 My dog is the best dog ever; he is smart, loving and he even does chores!
Here we see a declaration that I will prove in my paragraph; "My dog is the best." The way I intend to prove it is to show you how 1. smart 2. loving and 3. chore-doing he is.
I will give you credit for your best attempt at this sentence, provide feedback and then you will write the rest of the paragraph in class.
Due next classTuesday Sept. 25th: is your outline. You will use this outline to write your in class paragraph. This is a homework weighted assignment.
In class write of the full paragraph will occur Tuesday Sept. 25th.  You may use your brief outlines and I will return your topic sentences before you begin. This ought to take around 30 minutes.
Click here for a short video lesson of paragraphing.
Outline for a basic paragraph:
NOTE: This outline serves only as a guide.  You may wish to include more or fewer than three supporting details.

Topic Sentence: _________________________________________________________
Supporting Detail: ________________________________________________
Facts, details, examples, and explanations:
Supporting Detail: ________________________________________________
Facts, details, examples, and explanations:
Supporting Detail: ________________________________________________
Facts, details, examples, and explanations:

Concluding Sentence: ____________________________________________________

Best of luck!
Ms. S

Monday 17 September 2018

Getting Organized for High School Life

Hello 9s,

Homework due Sept.19: 
Complete the calendar detailing ‘Jerome’s assignment’ plans. We broke the assignment into tasks and you are to place them on the calendar provided. You will recieve a homework mark/check for your efforts. Be logical and realistic in your planning according to how you think you’d actually organize for such a project.

Today, we began discussing ways to give order to the work and play you hope to build into your life this school year.  We discussed ways to be more calm, organized and thereby, hopefully, more successful in your endeavours. The topics covered included the following:

  • The 2 binder system (one for your day 1 classes and the other for your day 2 classes) This is not a mandatory system, but many find it helpful.
  • Binder dividers. Label them and use them to keep your work in your various classes separate from one another. This will help you access items more readily for class or for studying.
  • Dating and labelling our sheets with your name a block.
  • Posting your class schedule both at home and at school for reference.
We next practiced a little with using our student agenda books.
  • Please bring these with you to all classes
  • Check them before you leave for the day to ensure you pack your binder with all necessary items before you head home.
  • Have a set time each evening when you review what is due/written in your agenda. Setting a habit around this will save you headaches later. PLEASE check the agenda earlier in the evening to avoid late nights and disappointments.
  • Some of us (myself included) may do well to set additional alarms on our phones as reminders of either new habits (like homework time) or important due dates. 
We reviewed a few aspects of agenda use:
  • Using abbreviations to save space.
  • Using both the daily and month at a glance calendars.
  • Using symbols/coloured pencils/hilighters to indicate important dates.
  • How to break a larger project into smaller more manageable parts to be completed over a series of days. (This is what you are doing for homework.)
I am enjoying working together with you all. Have a terrific day tomorrow!
Ms. S

Sunday 9 September 2018

What to expect this week

Hello 9s,

I hope this first week at school went well for you. Please remember that it is natural, when engaging in new things, to feel some nervousness, to have doubts, and to make mistakes. You are not alone. Just know that there is a lot of help for you here at U Hill.

This week:

  • Photo day A block Tuesday.
  • We will work on developing some organizational strategies that may help you in English and in all of your classes. Tuesday Sept. 11/18
  • Thursday Sept. 13/18  Go to your first block for attendance. Your teacher will escort you to the ULC (Upper Learning Commons/library) or to the LLC (Lower Learning Commons). Here we are doing C.A.T testing. This is a diagnostic test to give us some awareness of your literacy and numeracy skills. Results from this test aid us in tailoring our support and instruction to you as individuals and as a community. The test does not affect your grades.
Enjoy your weekend. See you Tuesday everyone.

Ms. S