Sunday 9 September 2018

What to expect this week

Hello 9s,

I hope this first week at school went well for you. Please remember that it is natural, when engaging in new things, to feel some nervousness, to have doubts, and to make mistakes. You are not alone. Just know that there is a lot of help for you here at U Hill.

This week:

  • Photo day A block Tuesday.
  • We will work on developing some organizational strategies that may help you in English and in all of your classes. Tuesday Sept. 11/18
  • Thursday Sept. 13/18  Go to your first block for attendance. Your teacher will escort you to the ULC (Upper Learning Commons/library) or to the LLC (Lower Learning Commons). Here we are doing C.A.T testing. This is a diagnostic test to give us some awareness of your literacy and numeracy skills. Results from this test aid us in tailoring our support and instruction to you as individuals and as a community. The test does not affect your grades.
Enjoy your weekend. See you Tuesday everyone.

Ms. S

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