Wednesday 19 September 2018

Paragraphing practice/review

Hello English 9,

Due today: your topic sentence for the paragraph you are creating on the topic of digital citizenship.
 In preparation we looked at this video: Please recall that the abbreviations used are for informal situations, but not for most class work.
Your topic sentence ought to include:
a full sentence (subject and verb ...) that declares what your paragraph's message will be
2 or 3 supporting points to indicate the intention of the upcoming paragraph
These may (or may not) be drawn from the examples provided in the article, 'Be a Good Digital Citizen'.This is the link we looked at. Scroll down for the text.
Topic sentence example:
 My dog is the best dog ever; he is smart, loving and he even does chores!
Here we see a declaration that I will prove in my paragraph; "My dog is the best." The way I intend to prove it is to show you how 1. smart 2. loving and 3. chore-doing he is.
I will give you credit for your best attempt at this sentence, provide feedback and then you will write the rest of the paragraph in class.
Due next classTuesday Sept. 25th: is your outline. You will use this outline to write your in class paragraph. This is a homework weighted assignment.
In class write of the full paragraph will occur Tuesday Sept. 25th.  You may use your brief outlines and I will return your topic sentences before you begin. This ought to take around 30 minutes.
Click here for a short video lesson of paragraphing.
Outline for a basic paragraph:
NOTE: This outline serves only as a guide.  You may wish to include more or fewer than three supporting details.

Topic Sentence: _________________________________________________________
Supporting Detail: ________________________________________________
Facts, details, examples, and explanations:
Supporting Detail: ________________________________________________
Facts, details, examples, and explanations:
Supporting Detail: ________________________________________________
Facts, details, examples, and explanations:

Concluding Sentence: ____________________________________________________

Best of luck!
Ms. S

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