Monday 22 January 2018

Descriptive/poetic language assignment and PIV updates!

Hello 9s,

Congratulations to our PIV class winners! If you have been chosen to move on to the school competition, I need the following from you:
  • The school wide competition will take place in the LLC Jan. 31 (second block) and Feb. 1 (second block).
  • Winners by Tuesday Jan. 23nd, send me:
    • Your name
    • Poem 1 (recited Jan. 31) title and author
    •  Poem 2 recited Feb.1) title and author 
    • Your attendance at the rehearsal on Jan. 30 after school in the LLC (brief)

Again, well done all.

Today, we were engaging in a series of descriptive/free/emotive writing exercises (Thanks Andrew):

“Write about an emotional experience you’ve had. Any emotion: happiness, grief, passion, anger, irritation, boredom, anything.”

Then. we paired up and did the following:

Describe the feeling/s you were exploring in your writing in some of the following ways:

Describe your feeling as a colour/texture/shape.
What animal did you feel like?
What object (did you feel like)? Be specific (material, state?)
What weather (did you feel like)?
What did it sound like?
What sort of music would you match your mood to?
 List 5 adjectives that describe this scene
List 5 adverbs that describe the events.

From here you shared out the expressive/original/creative/poetic ways in which your partners described their experiences to you. 
I commend you on your efforts and outcomes today. 

Remembering that you have your raw material from within class, do the following for a homework check for next class:

o  Write at least 8 lines/phrases of descriptive writing like that you have been creating. Remember to enjoy and to be playful. Perhaps write to music as we did in class. Leave off being an editor;be a creator instead.


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