Thursday 2 November 2017

Fractured Fairytale assignment/ due dates/ links

The True Story of the Three Little PigsHello 9s,

Today we are looking at the Fractured Fairytale (Cinderella) assignment and taking your questions about it.

We are looking at another example of a Fractured Fairytale by using the following:

  • Picture book/ Traditional:  The Three Little Pigs
  • Picture book/ Fractured/re-telling: The True Story of the Three Little Pigs:
  • The video of the expose'
  • Theme how to, video
  • Modern telling with Wolf as spy operative! New
  • The PC version as read from my book in class
We are looking at the effects of who tells the story/perspective and of the point of view/the way the story is told/constructed on the theme/meaning  of the story.

  1. Please refer to your class notes on Theme as well as review this video on Theme to get an idea of how to consider the larger meaning/intent of a telling of a story.
  2. Due Nov.6/Monday: Short Story Elements outline for your Fractured Fairytale (hand in)
  3. Due Nov.6/Monday: a first draft of your Fractured Fairytale (homework check)
Please note: Nov. 6 is a working period . You may bring your laptop/keyboard to write but I will have 18 laptops for you here.

Fractured Fairytale Due Nov. 8 Typed with Rubric as your cover page. Name and block on it.

Reminder:  You have a terminology test Nov. 14th (see below for links and info.) 

Cheers all!
Ms. S

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