Wednesday 22 May 2019

Sustainability homework and look at last post too

Hello 9s,


  •  we reviewed what the sustainability project is and how we will be using English time to augment our research, learning and communication for this project.
  • We reviewed what makes for a  better research question:
    • It is specific (W5)
    • It is based in curiosity rather than a previously arrived at opinion. We are seeking to avoid confirmation bias.
To review how to develop a useful research  question, review last day's handouts and  this video  Developing your research question

  • We signed up our team mate's names/topics and our first attempt at our research questions.
  • We noted that we will need  to keep in  good contact  with  our team mates  even when we are not sitting  in the same  class.
Therefore, do the following for homework:
  • Set up a shared Google doc that you  can all add to and edit.
  • Keep notes, links, images on the doc.
  • Confirm with your   team the  nature of your question, the focus of your research, the limitations of your research (Who, what , where,  when?)
  • Define your terms, "better  for whom/what?" "Harmful  how? To  whom?"
Next class, 
  • we will review and revise our research questions
  • Consider APA  citation
  • spend time taking notes/researching.
Ms. S

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