Friday 10 May 2019

Homework due Tuesday and Thursday.

Hi 9s,

Please review the following and complete all 3 assignments:

Cognitive Bias:

Do the following for  homework:

1.  Answer the following:
o   What do people do when experiencing confirmation bias?
o   Does confirmation bias rely more on the reasoning part of your brain or the emotional part? (side bar)
o   Is there anything good about confirmation bias?
o   Why is it important to research the facts of your own side AND the other side to fight confirmation bias?
    2. Bring an example of bias May 14 Discuss what  sort of  bias it is.

Five common types of cognitive bias

Anchoring bias 
Relying too heavily on the first piece of information you come across

Blind-spot bias
Recognizing bias in others, but failing to recognize it in yourself

Confirmation bias
Listening to and trusting only information that confirms your beliefs (like maybe your Facebook news feed!)

Negativity bias
Focusing on negative events at the expense of positive or neutral events

Outcome bias
Making a decision based on the outcome of a previous event without any regard to other factors involved

3. Core Competency self-assessment:
  • Peer edit/ draft formally as homework. (pick a template and do one for each of the 3 general domains min.) 
You may use one provided in class or choose from among those in this link.

  • Using your ideas around SMART goal setting. Set a goal for next academic year. Let this be a goal that matters to you and that is Specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and timely/time bound. This is to be part of your Core Competency self assessments.
Due May 16th

Communication: Communication is when students exchange information, experiences and ideas to help them learn more. Communication is how we express our thoughts, feelings ideas and opinions. Students need to understand and use digital media to communicate.
Thinking: Thinking is taking concepts and content and changing into new understanding.
Creative Thinking: Thinking in an original or new way and creating new ideas or concepts that matter to others.
Critical Thinking:  Critical thinking is analyzing, drawing conclusions and making judgments about information (Metacognitive awareness is being aware how you think and learn. “Thinking about thinking”)
Personal and Social: Students understand their identity as individuals and members of society.
         Positive Personal and Cultural Identity: Awareness of who you are including heritage and beliefs, contributing to a healthy sense of self.
         Personal Awareness and Responsibility: Skills to help students stay healthy like setting goals, regulating emotions, respecting themselves and others and managing stress.

         Social Responsibility: Students ability to make a difference and contribute to family, community, society and the environment. Also, to be able to resolve problems peacefully and empathize with others creating healthy relationships.

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