Thursday 30 May 2019

Homework Due Monday

Hi 9s,

A special thanks to the student presenters today. Please review their APA advice over the weekend to ensure that your skills are in place. I'd  recommend beginning your  References page now.

You shared your articles in teams as preparation for your homework; see below:

·    Choose 1 article, print the precis/ abstract/image/very short article. (hand it in  with  your  paragraph)
·    Write a short summary of how you think this article relates to your question.
·    Title/author/source
·    Use PEEc
o Point = why is this article significant to your research?
o Give an example/detail from the article/quote.
o Explain the connection between the E and P.
·     No longer than a single page long please.
·    Yes, each student needs to produce their own.
·    Type it and be mindful of your mechanics/grammar.


Below, is information needed to aid you in your searching and sourcing.

When doing research go to:
1.         · (note there is no www.)
2.         ·     Then choose our school
3.         ·      Next enter your Name and Password that you use for school (see Ms.S or Ms.Love for this)
4.         ·      Ms. Love recommends using ‘Gale’ or ‘Global Issues’ sources you’ll see here.

5.         ·      Then search your key word

Practice with Citation machine
Thanks  everyone.

Wednesday 22 May 2019

Sustainability homework and look at last post too

Hello 9s,


  •  we reviewed what the sustainability project is and how we will be using English time to augment our research, learning and communication for this project.
  • We reviewed what makes for a  better research question:
    • It is specific (W5)
    • It is based in curiosity rather than a previously arrived at opinion. We are seeking to avoid confirmation bias.
To review how to develop a useful research  question, review last day's handouts and  this video  Developing your research question

  • We signed up our team mate's names/topics and our first attempt at our research questions.
  • We noted that we will need  to keep in  good contact  with  our team mates  even when we are not sitting  in the same  class.
Therefore, do the following for homework:
  • Set up a shared Google doc that you  can all add to and edit.
  • Keep notes, links, images on the doc.
  • Confirm with your   team the  nature of your question, the focus of your research, the limitations of your research (Who, what , where,  when?)
  • Define your terms, "better  for whom/what?" "Harmful  how? To  whom?"
Next class, 
  • we will review and revise our research questions
  • Consider APA  citation
  • spend time taking notes/researching.
Ms. S

Thursday 16 May 2019

To get you started on your Sustainability research, here  are  some links for you to explore.
 Please come to class next day with a draft of a research question. See hand outs and the video below to help  you.

Developing your research question

Here is what  we did today:
o  Hand in your Competency self- assessment and goal

o Poem Who is the speaker? Where and when is the speaker? What is the core message?

You may use one of the ideas listed on the back of this page, or come up with your own. 
Waste Management
a.     Paper towels vs. hand dryers
b.     Recycling/Composting vs landfill
c.      Burning vs. landfill
d.     Zero waste markets
e.     Plastics and alternatives
f.      Tokyo 2020 medals
g.     Personal electronics

2.     Food
a.     Food Waste
b.     Organic farming vs. conventional farming
c.      100 Mile diet
d.     Ocean Wise
e.     Impacts of various foods (coffee, cattle, quinoa, palm oil)

3.     Power
a.     Wind farms
b.     Solar power/farms
c.      Comparisons of other types of power to hydro
d.     Waste to energy (burning garbage)
e.     Biofuels
f.      Electric (or other power source) vehicles

4.     Community
a.     Green buildings (use of solar and geothermal power; living walls)
b.     Storm water management (Smith Park)
c.      Greywater
d.     Urban development
e.     Community gardens, school gardens  
f.      Wildlife corridors (insect hotels at Oak Meadows Park)
g.     Lawns
h.     Streetlights
i.       Public transportation
j.       Compostable packaging and take-out containers
k.     Great Canadian Shoreline Clean Up
l.       Analyzing your personal ecological footprint

5.     Interesting Inventions (Your project could be to evaluate the implementation of the invention)
a.     Transparent solar windows
b.     Edible cutlery
c.      Soy fabric
d.     Electricity-generating bicycles
e.     Water-soluble packing peanuts
You may use one of the ideas listed on the back of this page, or come up with your own. 
1.     Waste Management
a.     Paper towels vs. hand dryers
b.     Recycling/Composting vs landfill
c.      Burning vs. Landfill
d.     Zero waste markets
e.     Tokyo 2020 medals
f.      Personal electronics/E-Waste

2.     Food
b.     Organic farming vs. conventional farming
c.      100 Mile diet
d.     Ocean Wise
e.     Impacts of various foods (coffee, cattle, quinoa)
Palm oil

3.     Power
a.     Wind farms
b.     Solar power/farms
c.      Comparisons of other types of power to hydro
d.     Waste to energy (burning garbage)
e.     Biofuels (or other alternatives to gasoline vehicles)
f.      Methane recovery

4.     Community
a.     Green buildings (use of solar and geothermal power; living walls)
b.     Storm water management (Smith Park)
d.     Urban development
f.      Wildlife corridors (insect hotels at Oak Meadows Park)
h.     Streetlights
i.       Public transportation
j.       Compostable packaging and take-out containers (eg: UBC and Vancouver Aquarium)
k.     Great Canadian Shoreline Clean Up
l.       Analyzing your personal ecological footprint
Carbon footprint calculator:

5.     Interesting Inventions (The project could be researching whether or not they are viable)
c.      Edible cutlery
e.     Electricity-generating bicycles
f.      Water-soluble packing peanuts
i.       Smog to diamonds
Elevated bus: