Wednesday 6 June 2018

Some review of concepts from last day/Science project aims/please see last post too.

Hello 9s,

You have been working well on refining your research questions as you delve deeper into your research.

  • We have reviewed your citations for this research.
  • You have worked on paraphrasing/summary to make the research your own/avoid plagiarism.
  •  You have begun to prepare/plan/ask questions regarding how best to represent your research.
  • What follows here are some additional resources for representing data depending upon what it is you are trying to express.

Also, some of you asked to see the aims/rubric of the Science project. Ms. K has sent me the following as well as a requirement that you not use a power point for your project. One exception may be if you want to represent something that needs movement/sound together with your poster/
tri-fold presentation.

Remember that you may include 3 D items (books, models, demonstrations) as part of your visual explanations of your research.

Sustainability Project – Checklist

o Do you have a well-written research question?
o Do you have at least four reliable sources? Did you print a list of links/sources you used?
o Did you make sure not to just copy and paste?
o Are your findings relevant to your research question?
o Did you use reliable research methods to conduct your research?
o Does your conclusion thoroughly answer your research question?
o Did you share the tasks evenly among group members? Did you use class work time productively?
o When presenting, were your voices loud enough for everyone to hear? Do your visuals represent your findings? Was your presentation between 5-10 minutes?

Next class, you will be expected to speak with some confidence about your research and to answer questions about it.

Some links on how to make your posters visually pleasing:
Practical concerns vid.
Research poster structural advice- visuals!

Reminder Your works cited are due June 11.
This is a big weekend for you re: this project. I wish you all the best as you complete your projects.

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