Thursday 14 June 2018

Communicating Student learning! Final Draft Due June 19

Dear 9s,

Congratulations on all your hard work, growth and achievements this year. You have cause to be proud.

Now is a very good time to reflect on the work/play/learning you have done this year both in classes and outside of classes. We have begun working together on this reflection which you will formalize in class June. 15 and June 19th. The final draft is Due June 19th in class.

This is your chance to consider the challenges and triumphs you've experienced and to express them in light of the Core Competencies. (See notes/links below)

You have taken home a drafting paper, it is formatted inviting you to:

  1. Articulate your ability/Competency in a specific area (examples provided in links below)
  2. Provide an example or examples of you doing/demonstrating that competency this year.  

For example, Communication:

  1. "I can be a leader and am supportive of others."
  2. "In my working group, I began a chat group and a shared Google doc. where we pool/share our ideas. When disagreements occurred, as they sometimes do in working groups, I calmly moderated our discussion so we could come to a compromise.

We will use both June 15/19 to work on these,but please feel free to work on these at home and bring in your efforts. It is yours after all. These reflections will be attached to your final report card.

Ms. S


Communication: Communication is when students exchange information, experiences and ideas to help them learn more. Communication is how we express our thoughts, feelings ideas and opinions. Students need to understand and use digital media to communicate.

Thinking: Thinking is taking concepts and content and changing into new understanding.
Creative Thinking: Thinking in an original or new way and creating new ideas or concepts that matter to others.
Critical Thinking:  Critical thinking is analyzing, drawing conclusions and making judgments about information (Metacognitive awareness is being aware how you think and learn. “Thinking about thinking”)

Personal and Social: Students understand their identity as individuals and members of society.
         Positive Personal and Cultural Identity: Awareness of who you are including heritage and beliefs, contributing to a healthy sense of self.
         Personal Awareness and Responsibility: Skills to help students stay healthy like setting goals, regulating emotions, respecting themselves and others and managing stress.

Social Responsibility: Students ability to make a difference and contribute to family, community, society and the environment. Also, to be able to resolve problems peacefully and empathize with others creating healthy relationships.

Overview of revised curriculum and Core Competencies

Expressing Competency in Communication- some examples

CreativeThinkingCompetency- examples
CriticalThinkingCompetency - examples

Positive personal and cultural Identity Competency - examples
Personal Awareness and Responsibility Competency- examples

Wednesday 6 June 2018

Some review of concepts from last day/Science project aims/please see last post too.

Hello 9s,

You have been working well on refining your research questions as you delve deeper into your research.

  • We have reviewed your citations for this research.
  • You have worked on paraphrasing/summary to make the research your own/avoid plagiarism.
  •  You have begun to prepare/plan/ask questions regarding how best to represent your research.
  • What follows here are some additional resources for representing data depending upon what it is you are trying to express.

Also, some of you asked to see the aims/rubric of the Science project. Ms. K has sent me the following as well as a requirement that you not use a power point for your project. One exception may be if you want to represent something that needs movement/sound together with your poster/
tri-fold presentation.

Remember that you may include 3 D items (books, models, demonstrations) as part of your visual explanations of your research.

Sustainability Project – Checklist

o Do you have a well-written research question?
o Do you have at least four reliable sources? Did you print a list of links/sources you used?
o Did you make sure not to just copy and paste?
o Are your findings relevant to your research question?
o Did you use reliable research methods to conduct your research?
o Does your conclusion thoroughly answer your research question?
o Did you share the tasks evenly among group members? Did you use class work time productively?
o When presenting, were your voices loud enough for everyone to hear? Do your visuals represent your findings? Was your presentation between 5-10 minutes?

Next class, you will be expected to speak with some confidence about your research and to answer questions about it.

Some links on how to make your posters visually pleasing:
Practical concerns vid.
Research poster structural advice- visuals!

Reminder Your works cited are due June 11.
This is a big weekend for you re: this project. I wish you all the best as you complete your projects.