Tuesday 29 May 2018

Links and notes from last class/homework/ look at 2 posts please

Hello 9s,

Please make sure you review the post below this one for lesson and due dates.

Last class we reviewed 'How to Tame Your Research Topic' . You were given notes on writing a research question and you submitted a worksheet with your efforts to write a research question which I'll give you feed back on.

You received back your paraphrasing assignment. Those of you who have not submitted a printed version need to do so by next block please.

We reviewed the timeline and assessment items as per the post below. Please put these dates into your personal calendars.

I am attaching below, the notes we reviewed for paraphrasing/summarizing.

Grade 9 paraphrasing/summary/research feedback:

o   W5
o   Key overarching idea first (perhaps it didn’t come in your article until the end) but you put it at the start.
o   Remember P.E.E , it works here too.
o   Edit. Summary is part of paraphrase. You tell us enough in your own words that we get the main ideas and can go on and read the real article if we want to read the details.
o   AVOID PROPAGANDA – even if you agree with the opinions, even if the opinions are ultimately based on facts, AVOID CHARGED LANGUAGE  like,”5 Reasons we DON’T Need More Oil Pipelines.” Or “It’s a topic that is nearly yawn-worth, environmentalists spouting their rage.”
o   Note bias
o   Note all caps.
o   Note diction
Scientific research need not rely on inflammatory language because it has data on its side.

o   Therefore, choose sources based on and based IN science and proper scientific data.  This is why we invite you to look to journal articles rather than popular media when it comes to a research project.

Ms. S

Timeline of classes/assessments through to the end of June

Grade 9 timeline to end of term

Monday May 28th:
o   Review notes on paraphrase (homework weight mark)
o   Return marked/collect printed with original article from those who have not submitted -5% late.
o   Rubrics from Science (what you're aiming for)
o   Developing a research question video review/hand outs
o   Do question sheet for HMWK check due today.

Wednesday May 30th:
o   How to effective present your ideas visually.
o   Videos/notes/discussion
o   Homework due next block please bring your links/resources for citations (what you have so far).  Also, please bring a laptop or tablet if you can. We will be reviewing and practicing with creating APA citations for your projects.
o    Citations due for quiz weight June 11 at the start of English class.

Friday June 1:
o   APA tutorial/demo/practice
o   Work time
o   Homework bring any visuals/text you’d like peer/mentor feedback on June 5/7
o   Citations due June 11
o   PE trip next G block will be a work period for everyone not on the trip (no lesson)

Tuesday Jun 5:
o   PE trip
o   Work period/active voice
o   Bring draft work for peer/mentor feedback Thursday June 7

Thursday June 7:
o   Feedback on your visuals/text
o   Ask questions/seek help
o   Work period
o   Citations due next class June 11 (quiz weight) Printed and ready at START of class

June 11:
o   Citations now due
o   Epic story time!
o   TBA

June 13:
o   TBA

June 15:
o   Core Competencies/Communicating Student Learning (CSL)
o   Review of concepts and practice/drafting (We may begin on the 13th)
o   Homework is to finish your draft and bring it back to make a final copy next class on the sheet provided.

June 19:
o   CSL final drafts due today in class

June 21:
o   TBA