Monday 30 April 2018

Where we are at with our mini-unit and some advice for your projects

Hello 9s,

We have been reviewing poetic/literary devices because these are some of the tools we will be using in our final creative projects. (See below and your handouts)

So far, we have reviewed terms and last class we worked on creating examples of our own of some of these devices. Because this is self- paced, some are finished and others are not; I'll return work after all assignments have been submitted.

Research study participants will be given added time and/or modified assignments so not to worry about missing out.

Today we were beginning to think more concretely about your choice of final creative writing whether it be poetry or narrative. Students had questions about length especially regarding the poetry. Please review the assignment rubrics/criteria to see what the requirements are, but we will work together in class to refine things.

With regard to how to limit the length of a narrative, we discussed:

With regard to writing your poems, we discussed:

  • "Poetry is the language of intensity." C.D Wright 
  •  What this may mean for us, is that we write poetry about that which we feel intensely (anger, fear, elation, love). 
  • It may also mean that we pay intense attention and give an intensive focus to things that we typically don't. In this way, a description/portrayal of the time spent waiting for a bus, or our cat's behaviour may become ripe fodder for a poem. 
  • Enjoy this video of a poem written and recited by Harry Baker called: Paper People.  Notice how many poetic devices he uses. Note how it begins quite absurdly/humorously and then moves to deeper themes.
We will look more closely at poetic forms in the classes to come.
Stay tuned for updates on the calendar/due dates.

I am enjoying reading A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L'Engle to you. <3

Begin working on your ideas for your final project please.
Ms. S

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