Monday 30 April 2018

Where we are at with our mini-unit and some advice for your projects

Hello 9s,

We have been reviewing poetic/literary devices because these are some of the tools we will be using in our final creative projects. (See below and your handouts)

So far, we have reviewed terms and last class we worked on creating examples of our own of some of these devices. Because this is self- paced, some are finished and others are not; I'll return work after all assignments have been submitted.

Research study participants will be given added time and/or modified assignments so not to worry about missing out.

Today we were beginning to think more concretely about your choice of final creative writing whether it be poetry or narrative. Students had questions about length especially regarding the poetry. Please review the assignment rubrics/criteria to see what the requirements are, but we will work together in class to refine things.

With regard to how to limit the length of a narrative, we discussed:

With regard to writing your poems, we discussed:

  • "Poetry is the language of intensity." C.D Wright 
  •  What this may mean for us, is that we write poetry about that which we feel intensely (anger, fear, elation, love). 
  • It may also mean that we pay intense attention and give an intensive focus to things that we typically don't. In this way, a description/portrayal of the time spent waiting for a bus, or our cat's behaviour may become ripe fodder for a poem. 
  • Enjoy this video of a poem written and recited by Harry Baker called: Paper People.  Notice how many poetic devices he uses. Note how it begins quite absurdly/humorously and then moves to deeper themes.
We will look more closely at poetic forms in the classes to come.
Stay tuned for updates on the calendar/due dates.

I am enjoying reading A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L'Engle to you. <3

Begin working on your ideas for your final project please.
Ms. S

Monday 23 April 2018

What is next? See the plan below! Glad to be back working with you.

Hello 9s,

Congratulations on all of the excellent work you and Ms.Harvey have been doing. Well done all!

Below, you will see what we will be working on over the next 5 classes or so. It is designed to allow for a little bit of flexibility and individual choice/creativity. A number of you have asked to write your own poems and or stories. Well, here is a chance!

I look forward to reading your work. : )

Creative Writing with Poetic Devices
Mini- Unit

Over the next 5 classes, you will be taking part in a guided independent study mini-unit.

Each day will include:
·      Story time! The sharing of stories is good for the heart and the mind. I am excited to have the chance to read to you from a favourite novel. 
·      You will read, review, and test your recall and understanding of poetic devices.
·      You’ll choose a poem, read, analyze and respond to it (2).
·      Finally, you will create an original creative work using a minimum of 5 of the poetic devices you have been studying. Your creative work might be any of the following:
o   Poetry
o   A song
o   A graphic novella (Remember it must be language rich.)
o   A creative narrative essay
o   A novella (Not more than 15 typed pages please.)

Yes, you can, for this purpose, adapt work you are already creating at home. Just remember, the work must be your own original work and it must employ the use of a minimum of 5 poetic devices.

In addition to this mini-unit, some among you will have the opportunity to be working closely with some UBC language researchers. Their work with you will be invaluable to future students and teachers. Thank you and your parents for agreeing to contribute to this study. You need not fear ‘lost time’ as I will ensure that you have ample time to complete all facets of your mini unit.

Daily outline
Day 1 April 24:
o   Story time
o   Terminology preview Self-assessment (answer key provided)
o   Terminology review and practice (due at the end of the block)
o   Do one or all of, read/ do a word puzzle/begin to consider your original work.

Day 2 April 26: (Research team) Block G (whole block): Shruti, Prakrit, Emma, Julie
                                                                                Block H (whole block): Jingyi, Chau
o   Story time
o   Choose 1 of two poems on offer. Read and respond to the questions given. (Hand in at end of the block.)
o   Do one or all of, read/ do a word puzzle/begin to consider your original work.
o   Possibly working with researchers (if so, accommodation re: time will be made next day).
Day 3 April 30: (Research team)
 Block G (whole block or less): Jenny, Michelle, Kai, David, Howard, Julie,   Shruti,      Prakrit, Emma  9  
                                     Block H (whole block or less): Niki, Jingyi, Chau (3 students)
o   Story time
o   Choose 1 of two poems on offer. Read and respond to the questions given. (Hand in at end of the block.)
o   Do one or all of, read/ do a word puzzle/begin to consider your original work.
Days 4 May 2nd and 5 May 4th :
o   Story time
o   Finish up any work remaining from previous days.
o   Work on your own creative works. (Working due date is May 8th)

Looking so forward to reading together and I am very excited to see what you create!

                        Creative Writing Rubric: Criteria for Grading Creative Writing
                           4                          3                       2                        1
Meaning/Content: the extent to which the assignment exhibits sound understanding/interpretation/analysis
Story Structure

Establishes strong plot/setting/character/pt. of view
Establishes plot/setting/character/pt. of view
Some elements of story structure; little blending of dialogue and narration
Few/no story structure elements present
Develops complex characters through dialogue, narration and action
Develops characters through dialogue, narration and action
Some character development
Characters are not developed

Development: the extent to which ideas are elaborated, using specific and relevant evidence


Develops ideas clearly and fully; uses a wide range of relevant details
Develops ideas clearly; uses relevant details
Develops ideas briefly; uses some detail
 Uses incomplete or undeveloped details

Organization: the extent to which the assignment exhibits direction, shape, and coherence
Designing Organ-ization

Maintains a clear focus; exhibits a logical, coherent structure through appropriate transitions
Maintains a clear focus; exhibits a logical sequence of ideas through appropriate transitions
Establishes but does not always maintain an appropriate focus; some inconsistencies in sequence of ideas
Lacks an appropriate focus, but suggests some organization
Specific Assignment Directions
Exceeds all requirements specified for this assignment
Meets all requirements specified for this assignment
Meets some of the requirements specified for this assignment
Meets few/no requirements specified for this assignment

Language Use: the extent to which the assignment reveals an awareness of audience and purpose
Poetic Devices

Creative, concrete language; uses literary devices (5 min.) and rich sensory detail
Assignment uses concrete language. literary devices (3 min.) and sensory detail
Some use of concrete language, literary devices, and sensory detail in assignment, but may struggle to use effectively
Little use of concrete language, literary devices or sensory detail in assignment
Word Choice
Uses sophisticated precise vocabulary
Effective word choices
Some effective word choices
Few effective word choices
Sentence Variety
Well-varied sentence structure throughout
Good sentence structure and variety
Occasional use of sentence variety
Little sentence variety
Voice/Sense of Audience
Unique voice; strong sense of audience
Evident awareness of voice and audience
Some awareness of voice and audience
Mechanical/unsuitable voice; unaware of aud.

Conventions: the extent to which the assignments exhibits conventional grammar/spelling/word usage

Smooth, fluid error-free punct./grammar

Mostly correct grammar; errors do not interfere with communication
Errors occasionally inter-fere with communication; verb tense errors
Grammatical errors are awkward and interfere with communication
Spelling and Word Usage
Correct spelling;
error-free word usage
Mostly correct spelling and word usage
Errors in spelling and word usage
Misspelled and misused words throughout
Overall assignment presentation
 Unique title; professional presentation
Appropriate title; neat presentation
Average title/presentation
No title; little or no attention to presentation
Teacher Comments:                                                                  Score_____   Grade________

  Poem/Song Rubric
Writing and illustrating a poem.                                               Name:







Little or no attention to form.
May use an
appropriate poetic
Fewer than four stanzas of four lines each.
Effectively uses
an appropriate
Complete with a minimum of four stanzas of four lines each.
Creatively uses
an appropriate
Complete with more than four stanzas with four lines each.

Word Usage

Student’s use of
vocabulary is
very basic.

Student’s use of
vocabulary is
more telling than

Student’s use of
vocabulary is
beginning to use vivid and effective imagery, adjectives,adverbs, verbs,nouns.
Student’s use of
vocabulary is
precise, vivid,
and paints a
strong clear and
complete picture
in the reader’s


Uses few poetic devices effectively.

Uses some
poetic devices though they may not be entirely effective in
        reinforcing the
Uses at least 3
poetic devices
to reinforce the
theme/main idea.
Effectively uses
5 or more poetic devices
to reinforce the
theme/main idea.


May contain
frequent and
errors in
grammar, and
that interferes
with the

May contain many
errors in spelling,
grammar, and/or
punctuation that
seldom interfere
with the reader’s

Has mainly grade level
grammar, and
contains some
errors that do not
interfere with the
Has grade-level
grammar, and
contains few, if
any, errors that
do not interfere
with the reader’s


Student’s work
of the
assignment. Student may have failed to make adequate use of time and help available.

Student’s work
understanding of
the assignment.
Usually worked effectively.

Student’s work
demonstrates an
understanding of
the assignment.
Used time wisely. Sought feedback.
Student’s work
demonstrates a
understanding of
the assignment
and is outstanding.

Adding Personality
The ideas and the way they are expressed seem to “belong” to someone else. There seems to be little effort shown and/or it is presented in pencil.
The writing does not “belong” to the writer. It is flat, or seems rushed.
The writer is developing a sense of personal ‘voice’. The reader is engaged.
The writer seems to be writing from experience. There is a solid sense of voice. The reader is impressed!

Score_____   Grade________Teacher Comments: