Monday 8 January 2018

Poetry in voice and Date change to Jan. 31 and Feb. 1

Hello 9s!

Welcome back; I hope you are reinvigorated.

Today we reviewed the scoring rubrics/criteria sheets linked below. Please review them again by way of preparing your poem.
Competition Criteria/Rubric
Scoring based on the above Rubric
Accuracy score sheet/criteria

You broke into groups and presented your poems a number of times, reviewed the criteria and gave one another suggestions.

For homework: 

  • KNOW YOUR POEM INSIDE AND OUT. Get beyond just memory and into interpretation. 
  • If you have been asked to resubmit your 6 word stories please do so for next class.
  • Resubmit your rubric for the 6 word story so that I may write my responses on them.

The class competition will be held on January 16th.  You need to have your poem memorized and ready to share on this day.

Each student will share a poem as part of our language component for class. You will receive a mark for doing so (rubric to come). If you choose not to be part of the competition aspect, that is fine just let me know. 

If you are taking part in the competition, there are some things you'll need to know:
  • The school competition will be on  Date change to Jan. 31 and Feb. 1
  • The student with the highest score from each class will participate at the school competition and will need a second poem ready to go for the 2nd. 
    • If you think you might like to try for this, you ought to choose 2 right from the start so that you have enough time to get ready. 
    • See that one of them is 25 lines or shorter
    • See that they contrast in tone/mood/style etc. to show your range.

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