Sunday 28 January 2018

2 voice poems due Jan. 31st at start of block

Hello 9s,

I am excited to read your 2 Voice poems. Please have them ready to hand in at the start of Wednesday's class Jan. 31 Ensure that both author's names are on the work.

Take a look at the last posting for more information.

Here is the rubric for this assignment:
Two voice poem rubric
Quiz weight

·      Told in two voices and ought to be 10 lines minimum each.
·      Demonstrates 2 perspectives of the same idea/scene/situation.
·      Is fair to both sides (even if they are in conflict, each has own view/dignity).
·      Uses descriptive language (as per our study ex. Simile, metaphor, active verbs, adjectives, adverbs, onomatopoeia, alliteration, imagery;5 senses).
·      Correct spelling and grammar.
·      Attention to layout so it will best convey your idea.
·      Consider transitions. (Does it move in time? How will we know?)
·      Consider perspective. (Are they speaking to one another or to someone else? How can we tell?)

This is meant to be delightful to you. Enjoy

Wednesday 24 January 2018

Two Voice poems/expressive/descriptive/perspective taking

Hi 9s,

Today, we practiced imagining scenarios from multiple perspectives. ex.
I’m stuck in traffic. And people keep driving slowly or too quickly or cutting me off. I can get upset and feel cheated, annoyed, wronged. But imagine that they have really good reasons to do so. Maybe they’re rushing to go save someone’s life! Maybe they’re carrying a pregnant woman in labour. Maybe they’re a young person learning how to drive. Maybe they’re someone who got in an accident and is still recovering from trauma so they’re too afraid to drive faster.

We then viewed songs/poems written for two voices and two perspectives. 
“Taylor the Latte Boy” and “Taylor”

Origin story poem video
Text of Origin Story: The poem as written

Now you get to write two-voice poems!

Decide on a topic with two points of view:
·      Pick one of the events you wrote about on Monday. There was probably another person or a differing opinion. Work together to write about the other one.   
·      Decide on something new to write about together.

“Call and response” like “Taylor”. Finish the first poem. Then write the other perspective’s response poem.
“Both voices back-and-forth” like “Origin Story”. Cooperate to write about how the voices go together.

·      Two parties in opposition. Two different angles on the same event(s). AND/OR opposing viewpoints on a question or idea.

·      NOTE: These is no “hero” or “villain”, “right” or “wrong.” Respect both angles. TWO EQUALLY VALID PERSPECTIVES (FROM EACH CHARACTER’S POV)
·      Minimum 10 lines per speaker. Will be submitted on Friday. Use figurative language in two voices to express where they disagree or see things differently AND what they have in common. (Quiz weight)

·    We will continue writing on Friday for the first half and then read them out during the second half of class. The aim here, is to inspire one another.  
     Final work will be submitted on Wednesday January 31.

Some help:

Where do they agree? Where do they disagree?
           What’s going on inside the heads of each person?
Poetry makes thoughts visible.
Use descriptive language!
Think: text conversation
What things do they say in common?
       In response? In contrast?

Venn: working on ideas template

Possible formats for you to use:

3 Columns:
Perpsective A, In Common, Perspective B   

Dialogue style layout: origin story

Sample side by side: Sample side by side text

         Note how quotes distinguish dialogue and lack shows thoughts.
         Note how you can indicate order/timing by offsetting where text lays out.

         Note that they may talk over each other ie. No offset, but laid out side by side.