Thursday 30 November 2017

Extension on 4 Cheque/6 word slides due

Hello 9s,

To clarify, your 4 cheque stories need to include the 4 cheques . Please print up your stories and cheques and submit them on Tuesday Dec. 5. These are not late; this is an extension.

Today you began working on your 6 word story slide . For next day prepare at least one slide with your story on it. You may use Adobe Spark Video., PPT , Google slides or any other tool that works for you. Take care to consider the elements of narrative, word choice, audience, tone/mood. Due to share in class on Tuesday December 5.

If you don't have an apple device to air play

Have a happy long weekend all!

Ms. S

Friday 24 November 2017

Six Word Stories!

Hello 9s,

Today we reviewed your 4 cheque stories due by Nov. 30th.

Next, we looked at, "What are the necessary elements for a satisfying narrative?"  and "What are the responsibilities of the reader/viewer/listener in the co-creation of a narrative?"

We used the following links today:
Carl comic
6 word story vid.
More six word stories

For homework due next block:

  • Write three 6 word stories.  Take care to consider the elements of narrative, word choice, audience, tone/mood
  • View the 'how to' of Adobe Spark Video. We will be using this or PPT to create 6 word story vids. of our own.
Cheers all,
Ms. S

Monday 20 November 2017

Work returned and a new assignment given

Hello 9s,

Today you received your Fractured fairy tales back as well as your Short story elements tests.

You handed in your homework re: Ordeal by Cheque (see last blog)

We discussed plausible plot lines for Ordeal by Cheque.

You were given your next assignment due Nov. 28 or 30th (See hand out given in class today)

You are to create your Four Cheque Story.
  •  Choose and 4 cheques from the story Ordeal by Cheque.(They may or may not be sequential)
  • Cut and paste them from the link/s below
  • Write the part of the story that is demonstrated by/relates to, these 4 cheques.
    • You may use a creative dialogue, Prose(narration), graphic novel format (with some text)
    • Choose the point of view (Who is telling the story?)
    • Consider the tense (Is it past tense? Are you telling it in present tense? Will you use a flashback?)
    • Do you wish to include dialogue in the body of an otherwise narrated story? 
  • Please type up your finished product. (12 point font/ space and a half/ Not more than 2 sides of a page)
  • Your narrative ought to be based on evidence found in the text. Even though you are not writing the whole ObyC, your 4 cheque portion ought to make sense in the context of the story as a whole.
Thanks everyone!
Ms. S

Here are the links you need to complete your work:
Written list of cheques

Print list of cheques

Thursday 16 November 2017

Ordeal by Cheque links

Hi All,

Here are the links to help you as you draw conclusions that will help you co-create this unusual narrative.

Remember, there is no ONE correct plot. There are multiple possible narratives but they must be plausible and supported by the text that you have in the cheques.

I am greatly enjoying witnessing you as you piece together your ideas of what is going on here.

Please do the back of the hand out from class Due: Monday Nov. 20

Here are the links you need to complete your work:
Written list of cheques

Print list of cheques

Ms. S

Wednesday 8 November 2017

Short Story elements test! November 14th

Hi 9s,

Today you submitted your 'Fractured Fairytales' I will enjoy these test weight items over the next two weeks.

We reviewed the notion of Perception  and how our perceptions are formed. We looked at a series of images and unpacked multiple possible 'readings'/interpretations of them. We reflected, 'metacognitively,' upon how we were forming our perceptions. What was informing them?

Next week we will continue in this way with a series of atypical narrative texts. It will be engaging; I promise.

See below and cheers!
Ms. S
November 14th next class you have your Short Story elements test. 
The test is a combination of matching terms to definitions and detecting point of view.
To review take a look at:

  • Elements of a Short Story notes Link here 
  • The paper notes you have (Short story elements)
  • Stories you know and decide from which point of view they are told:
    • First person
    • objective/3rd person
    • limited omniscient/3rd person
    • omniscient/3rd person

Thursday 2 November 2017

Fractured Fairytale assignment/ due dates/ links

The True Story of the Three Little PigsHello 9s,

Today we are looking at the Fractured Fairytale (Cinderella) assignment and taking your questions about it.

We are looking at another example of a Fractured Fairytale by using the following:

  • Picture book/ Traditional:  The Three Little Pigs
  • Picture book/ Fractured/re-telling: The True Story of the Three Little Pigs:
  • The video of the expose'
  • Theme how to, video
  • Modern telling with Wolf as spy operative! New
  • The PC version as read from my book in class
We are looking at the effects of who tells the story/perspective and of the point of view/the way the story is told/constructed on the theme/meaning  of the story.

  1. Please refer to your class notes on Theme as well as review this video on Theme to get an idea of how to consider the larger meaning/intent of a telling of a story.
  2. Due Nov.6/Monday: Short Story Elements outline for your Fractured Fairytale (hand in)
  3. Due Nov.6/Monday: a first draft of your Fractured Fairytale (homework check)
Please note: Nov. 6 is a working period . You may bring your laptop/keyboard to write but I will have 18 laptops for you here.

Fractured Fairytale Due Nov. 8 Typed with Rubric as your cover page. Name and block on it.

Reminder:  You have a terminology test Nov. 14th (see below for links and info.) 

Cheers all!
Ms. S