Thursday 29 November 2018

Tuesday 27 November 2018


Hello All,

I am receiving late night questions regarding the 4 Cheque assignment.

Go to bed.
Rest up.

I am giving you an extension. If you require it, take it. I am preoccupied with creating report cards anyway.

Please get enough rest so that you are able to participate and learn tomorrow.

Night night.
Ms. S

Thursday 22 November 2018

4 Cheque Stories homework

Hello 9s,

Today we continued to interpret Wuther Crue’s story, Ordeal by Cheque.

  • We discussed what we KNOW, HOW WE KNOW, AND WHAT WE WONDERED
  • Remember, there are multiple possible interpretions of the story but any interpretation must be supported by evidence from the text.
  • Continue to work in this way as you complete your homework.
Due Wednesday November 28th: 
  • Cut and paste cheque images from the images linked below (actual cheque images)
  • Write a part of the story that connects to/makes sense of these 4 cheques. This will be more satisfying if it answers questions we have and if the cheques relate to one another.
  • Your interpretation may differ from your classmates but it must follow from the text as a whole. Nothing in the story may contradict your narrative.
  • I’d prefer you type your work. Let it be no more than 2 pages and no fewer than a half page in length.

Here is a type-written version to help you. Please DO NOT USE THESE AS YOUR 4 CHEQUES
Ordeal by Cheque: Printed list
Ordeal by Cheque: Cheque images to be used for your 4 Cheque stories

I have been very impressed by the way you have worked together to reason and suport your reading of this story. You have been using metacognition to consider how/why you are forming the assumptions/conclusions you are. You have noted reasons for difficulties you may have been having and have sought out help from one another. Excellent!

Today, also, you had your Short Story Elements tests back. I will attend to your written questions tonight and will be available to discuss tomorrow or Monday morning before 8:30 or in class on Monday.

Have a terrific weekend all.

Wednesday 21 November 2018

For your information: Ordeal by Cheque

Hi All,

Here is the link to help you as you draw conclusions that will help you co-create this unusual narrative.

Remember, there is no ONE correct plot. There are multiple possible narratives but they must be plausible and supported by the text that you have in the cheques.

I am greatly enjoying witnessing you as you piece together your ideas of what is going on here.

The Short Story Ordeal by Cheque by Wuther Crue

Consider: Character, setting, plot. How do we know? What must we guess at?

We will continue our discussions on this next block.


Tuesday 6 November 2018

Review materials/links and due dates

Hello 9s,

In preparation for the upcoming Elements of Short Story test Nov. 16/18

Today you also reviewed 
  • Video lesson on 3 types of sentences
  • You were given an assignment booklet. Please complete lessons #22,23,24 due Nov.16th
  • You were given a Conjunction/joining or linking word hand out; use it to help you do this work.
Thanks for the fun day everyone. Enjoy your Rememberance day long weekend and your Take Our Kids to Work Day Nov. 14th.