Thursday 7 December 2017

Poetry in Voice: a tour/ how to/ DUE DATES.

Hello 9s,

Today we began looking at preparations for our Poetry in Voice events. 
Due to glitchy internet access things were a little difficult. As such, I am placing thoughts/instructions/links and due dates here for you.

Please commit some time to this post and to touring the links provided.

  •   Poem choice due: December 15th (printed twice, one for you and one for me)
  • I will follow up next week with instructions on how you will need to format the printed copies.
  • We will be having an in class recitation competition and/or assignment January 16th.

We will spend some time before winter break working with your poems. We will do so again the week you return in January. The class competition will be held on January 16th.  You need to have your poem memorized and ready to share on this day.

Each student will share a poem as part of our language component for class. You will receive a mark for doing so (rubric to come). If you choose not to be part of the competition aspect, that is fine just let me know. 

If you are taking part in the competition, there are some things you'll need to know:
  • The school competition will be on Feb. 1 and 2
  • The student with the highest score from each class will participate at the school competition and will need a second poem ready to go for the 2nd. 
    • If you think you might like to try for this, you ought to choose 2 right from the start so that you have enough time to get ready. 
    • See that one of them is 25 lines or shorter
    • See that they contrast in tone/mood/style etc. to show your range.

Because this is,ultimately a national competition, there are firm guidelines to which we all must adhere. There is a set scoring system and there are rules. See here:
So! To reiterate, your poems need to be chosen and printed (by you) by class on December 15th. You will present these on January 16th from memory. The school competition for those who go on will take place over 2 days (1 poem per person per day).

I very much look forward to working with you on this and welcome your questions.
Happy searching all!
Ms. S

Wednesday 6 December 2017

Now Due: 4 Cheque stories and 6 word stories

Hello 9s,

I enjoyed viewing your 6 word story panels last class. This is a reminder, that if you have not yet submitted both the 6 word stories/4 cheque story they are now past due.

We will explore Poetry in Voice next class.


Monday 4 December 2017

6 word story slide share tomorrow!

Hey all,

This is a reminder that tomorrow we will be sharing our slides:

  •  6 word story slide . Prepare at least one slide with your story on it. You may use Adobe Spark Video., PPT , Google slides or any other tool that works for you. Take care to consider the elements of narrative, word choice, audience, tone/mood. Due to share in class on Tuesday December 5.

If you have chosen not to share yours,make sure you still submit it to me. I'll review the rubric with you at the start of class.

Six-word Story Rubric
Your six words:

Written Content
Story includes six words, free of mechanical errors, that convey a meaningful/powerful message about scholastic journalism/your experiences on the staff.
Story includes six words, free of mechanical errors, that convey a message about scholastic journalism/your experiences on the staff.
Story includes six words that convey a message about scholastic journalism/your experiences on the staff. The message is unclear or contains mechanical errors.
Five words? Seven words?? Really???




What is there for the reader to do/provide?
